I'm not sure what you mean by TUI. The email I'm referring to is automatically generated by adding [or maybe it's not the adding, it's the provisioning] a user in MiCollab and looks a bit like this:
Dear Test5:
This welcome email provides you details and credentials required for your MiCollab services as well as your phone, Voicemail, and other services.
Depending on the Mitel services to which you are subscribed, you may also receive additional emails providing detailed instructions for setting up those services.
-- User --
Login ID: test5
-- Phones --
Registration Access Code: ***
You have these phones available:
Number: 820
Description: Primary Phone
Device Type: ACD Agent
Hot Desk PIN: 3818
-- Voice Mail --
Access #: 6050
Mailbox #: 820
Passcode: 3818
-- Remote Teleworker Solution --
Installation Password
Windows PC Client:
<some URL>