Author Topic: Report to show not ready percentage for specific service group  (Read 820 times)

Offline ielrei

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Report to show not ready percentage for specific service group
« on: January 16, 2021, 03:58:04 AM »
Hello, I'm trying to wade through all of the options in MiCCE Report Manager for generating reports, and was hoping someone here would be able to streamline that by knowing which options will achieve what I want quickly without me pulling out too much of my hair!

Different agents work on different service groups day by day, what I am looking for is a report showing agent not ready percentages but only for while the agent is on a specific service group, i.e. count the time they are not ready if they have a particular service group selected, but ignore their not ready time if they don't have the particular service group selected.

Hope that makes sense, thanks in advance.


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