I am setting up teleworkers with various Mitel 5220 and 5330 phones. At all locations I am successful at connecting the teleworker sets to the MBG. I can make and receive calls. However, if a call is not in session, the phones will disconnect after 25 -30 seconds and remain disconnected for 45 - 50 seconds. They don't appear to be rebooting. On my newest phones, they actually show the network icon go from Green to White with an orange "!". After they stay disconnected for 45-50 seconds, they connect back up and you can make and receive calls again for another 25-30 seconds.
I thought maybe the firewall was blocking some sort of traffic, but I built a wide open rule between one remote site and the MBG with the same result.
Wireshark at the phone site shows several TCP retransmissions from the phone that accompany each outage.
I'm completely at a loss on where to look next. Is there a keepalive packet that I could have misconfigured or something?
I could really use some help getting this set up so my coworkers can work from home a little better.
I greatly appreciate any guidance anyone can offer.