Author Topic: Changing Multiple Nupoint Voicemail Audio Options at Once and Default Options  (Read 1113 times)

Offline mlavine

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Hello All,

I've been combing the forums for an answer to this question. I did find this post:

While that post was helpful I have yet to find an exact answer to this question (mostly my unfamiliarity with the system) and considering its age of just over 4 years I thought it best to see if I could at least get an update on this issue.

Our network at our company has been locked down pretty heavily and no longer allows us to access the audio link option through Nupoint that is sent out, therefore all of our users need to be set to Audio Attachment.

I guess it's really two questions

1) Is there a way to change this option for multiple users at once? I am able to click Edit from the Nupoint Web console and bring up changes for multiple users through selected or range, but I do not see this particular setting present.

2) Is there a way to change the default setting going forward? This would be beneficial so when any new users are created our IT staff doesn't have to remember to go to the Nupoint web console and change this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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