Author Topic: Changing/choosing the Calling Party Number CPN on out bound calls using SIP trk  (Read 2526 times)

Offline aerocool

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Hello and hope you all had a great festive break?

This seems like a simple request and I have done this before using other PBX's.

Scenario: We have a customer/doctor surgery using a MiVoice Office250 6.3 that by default when dialling out over SIP trunks do not send a caller ID for patient confidentiality reasons. They would like to use a key to "switch on" caller ID and send the main SIP telephone number when dialling out to some patient that use a service available in the UK called anonymous call rejection.

The SIP provider will accept any CPN we send but I can't work out how to assign this feature to a key the user can select before placing the outbound call.
Thanks for any advice :)


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Unfortunately, there isn't a built-in feature to allow for this type of outbound calling. There are however ways to do this, but the only Mitel supported way is via a Phone Manager client.

If you did a quick search you may have found this posting:

Quote from: lowradiation
I called Mitel tech support on this and the only thing they recommended was to create a hot desk user with caller ID 000-000-0000 (if your telco will allow you to send it).
Someone who wants to 'block' their caller ID can then log into this hot desk user, make the call, then log out... yes, very clunky to use

Quote from: dwayneg
Use one of the built-in SL ports on the 5000.  Set it to send a bogus CLID (CALLING PARTY NUMBER field on phone programming). Also program SL as house phone to dial 8 (outgoing).  Loop that SL port to a LS port on the 5000.  Put a line key for that LS on user's phone (or dial the trunk ext).
Now user presses the line key or trunk ext. Call leaves on the LS, re-enters on the SL, which dials 8 and delivers ARS dial tone.  User dials number.  CLID displayed at distant end will be that of the SL port.
If you do this a lot you could have multiple loops (as trunk group) to allow more than one call.  I've also used this trick where I just needed to deliver DIFFERENT caller ID for a second company when both companies used the same STAFF.

Offline aerocool

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Thanks for the quick reply. I've tested with Phone Manager and it works perfectly but they don't currently have Office Application Suite :(

How would the hot desk method work? The link you sent seems to be broken.

Offline aerocool

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I am also interested in dwayneg method but not sure I understand the "house phone" part I can see you are creating a dial tone loop and then using 8 to dial out and this should send the CPN of the analogue extension.

Offline aerocool

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1. Connect a spare analogue SLT extension to a spare analogue trunk port
2. System>Devices>Phones remove any "Calling Party Number" from each phone extensions
3. System>Devices>Phones set the analogue extension to "House Phone Yes" and House phone day and night "9"
4. Either set a Keymap to have the trunk key on the phone or change the trunk extension number to 1470

Thanks for the pointer :)


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