Author Topic: AWC rollout  (Read 3075 times)

Offline noni

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AWC rollout
« on: November 24, 2010, 07:18:04 AM »
We recently installed Mitel AWC and in the process of rolling out to the organisation.I seek advice on how best to go about this considering the points laid out below:

1. We are presntly having problems integrating the enterprise.oft file into outlook. Has anyone integrated this form into outlook and how functional is it?

2. At the moment we have a paid audio conferencing which involves user dialing a number and entering an access code. Whats the best approach using the Mitel AWC, considering the fact that conferences have to be booked online?

Will be happy if anyone can offer me suggestions?

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Re: AWC rollout
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 12:31:45 PM »
(1) We've had trouble with the enterprise.oft file also.
Unable to get it working on my PC although one other person in our office was able to.
It creates a form that allows you to schedule conference calls directly from outlook.

(2)  What a lot of my users do is set up a permanent conference so the conf number always stays the same.   That way all they have to do is send out an email with the conf number.

I work in our remote center servicing Mitel systems remotely.  I use the AWC at least once a day for data conferences.  I set up a permanent conf so I didn't have to keep setting one up all the time.   Then I got tired of telling people how to join the conf and sending them emails so I bought a domain name so all I had to do was tell them to go the this website and it would drop them right in my conference.   A lot easier than asking for their email.  ( that link doesn't put you in my data conf since there's something after the '/') 

« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 08:15:03 AM by ralph »

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Re: AWC rollout
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 10:18:08 PM »
1) Like Ralph we tried to help a client with the oft file. I even went so far as to create step by step instructions for them. They abandoned it because it was way to complicated for the users to understand. What it seemed to do was load the web interface directly into outlook. I personally found this way harder then actually using the AWC webpage.

2) Again, like Ralph we setup 4-5 permanent conferences for them to use. This way they knew the passwords/web addresses ahead of time, so it was faster for them to use the conference.


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