I have three Mitel 5320 and 5330 hand sets stuck at "Use Hold Key To Send Pin".
Here is my troubleshooting so far:
1. I verified my system options are at the defaults. Replace pin is set to ###, new handset pin is set to ***.
2. I tried ### + extension + Hold
3. I tried multiple different extensions that are available. Extensions 1561, 1581, 2904, 2905, and 2907 are all either hot desk profiles or extensions that are available.
4. I reset a phone to the factory defaults by holding down arrow key will power on
Please note I am testing these phones in locations where other phones are working correctly, so I now my network connection is valid. When I enter ### + extension + hold, I see a single asterisk appear on the screen for each key press, and then when I press hold all the asterisks go away.
Thank you, be well, work hard, enjoy life!