Author Topic: Showing DNIS on a 5320 phone  (Read 1911 times)

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Showing DNIS on a 5320 phone
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:05:46 PM »
Our marketing department would like to have the DNIS information show on the phones of our inside sale people.   Currently we get caller id and retrieve the DNIS info from our Oasys Tracer.  What we have been told is to create a hunto group for each of the inbound lines, then add the inside sales hunt group as an answering member of that hunt group.  That will then display the name of the transfering hunt group (one of the marketing lines) as the source of the call.

In looking through the configuration utility for the 3300 I don't really see where all of this would be done.

Any suggestions or direction on this subject would be greatly appriciated.

Dan Tick
IT Manager
SDA Security

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Re: Showing DNIS on a 5320 phone
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2012, 08:06:22 PM »
My first question is: what's the thought behind needing DNIS?   Are you just try to distinguish between a sales call and a call to the individual sales rep?

My next question is this: 
What we have been told is to create a hunt group for each of the inbound lines
What does that mean?   What kind of inbound lines are you talking about?



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