First time caller, here...
I'm working with a vendor to get this up and running, and I'm trying to get the voice vlan configured correctly on my switches, the core being C3850 and the edges C2960X. I've read quite a few docs, some with conflicting information, but here's where it stands:
My data Vlan is the default, and the devices on it are in
I've defined Vlan 50 as the voice vlan. The phones and Office 250 have static IP addresses, not using DHCP, and are in The phones currently connect with the server and can dial each other. When the phones are booted, however, they show VLAN=None, and they can't be pinged, nor can the Office 250 (henceforth known as "the server").
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/37
switchport mode access
switchport voice vlan 50
no cdp enable
spanning-tree portfast
service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Trust-Cos-Input-Policy
service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy
(Even though I typed the command switchport access vlan 1 it doesn't seem to show, presumably because it is the default vlan.)
I included the "no cdp enabled" command on the recommendation of a Mitel technical document. What's interesting is that if I don't include that command, leaving cdp enabled, the phone will show VLAN=50 when it boots, and will respond to pings at its 10.50.. address.
But, when that's the case, it can no longer contact the server, even if I've used the same setting on the port the server is connected to. The server also can't be pinged under either scenario.
I will add, I haven't tried cycling the power on the server. I just unplug and replug the network cable after I've made changes to its port config.
Can anyone offer some insight? I've seen a lot of references to setting options on DHCP, but didn't think they would apply if we're manually assigning all of our addresses.