Can you list all of the flags under the phone so we can see how it is configured?
Go to System > Devices and Feature Codes > Phones > 914 > flags
Hi all,
Apologies for the thread mining, however, I have the exact same problem as this user.
I've checked the Flags for both a station that is working and a station that isn't, and the only difference is "Display Missed Calls on Phone" is set to "yes" on the working phone. I have the exact same symptoms as the original poster - that is, our receptionist can transfer to hold an outside call to my extension (hits xfer to hold key, dials my extension/DSS, hangs up, I as the caller hears tick tone), DSS light is not blinking.
On the "non-working" phone, receptionist hits xfer to hold, dials extension, hangs up. DSS light "fast blinks" and caller hears ringback.
Where else can I look?
The only other difference is let's just say the nonworking user has a rather non-standard keymap - and is the only user with this keymap. I may steal all of my thunder and try temporarily putting this user on our standard (and pretty much a Mitel standard) keymap and see what happens.