Author Topic: IDS LDAP sync  (Read 2783 times)

Offline insurin

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« on: June 14, 2018, 05:46:24 AM »
I have configured Micollab to sync with AD. This works fine and I am syncing my users and contacts from AD. This populates the directory on the Micollab client software on users desktops but does not sync to the physical phones (well doesn't sync contacts)

I believe this can be achieved by syncing Mivoice business ( Release level: 8.0 SP3 PR1
Active software load: )

I have added my LDAP connection in

'Voice Network/Network Elements'.

'Intergrated Directory Services/LDAP Client configuration' I have set the OU, username etc all in Profile Number 3

System Feature Settings/System Options LDAP Client Configuration Profile ID #1, LDAP Client Configuration Profile ID #3. Profile 3 is what I have used for LDAP. How do I apply that to phones

What steps do I need to take now to get the directory on the physical phone to search my AD OU? There is no sync button

Does this work like Micollab LDAP where you can defer? I am still in the process of deleting users from Micollab. Users where created on Micollab so I am bringing them back in via LDAP sync.

Offline VinceWhirlwind

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Re: IDS LDAP sync
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2018, 06:47:42 PM »
That's a good idea, recreating your users properly synced from AD.
The phone directory comes from the "Telephone Directory" form on the controller. You can import stuff into this form using a .csv file, but I don't know about populating it via an LDAP lookup. Smarter/special phones can do LDAP lookups to populate their directory, but not normal phones I don't think.
But I have to ask, if people have access to the MiCollab directory via their desktop client, why would they even look at the clunky phone directory? It's not very usable, and it doesn't have your Outlook contacts in it like the MiCollab Client does.

Offline insurin

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Re: IDS LDAP sync
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2018, 04:09:48 AM »
I agree, it's clunky but it's what the users want. Sometimes they may walk into a staffroom and no one is logged in but they need to call someone and don't know their number so they will look it up on the phone directory.

The issue I have is 'Contacts' within Micollab do not appear on the Physical phone but do on the software so I get a load of complaints about not being able to find people on the physical phones. I started to make manual entries but it's just not tenable. If I can get the Mivoice business syncing the same was as Micollab and my users will have a consistent directory on the phones and software

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Re: IDS LDAP sync
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2018, 11:26:27 AM »
Somewhat off topic... I though that support for IDS/AD LDAP sync to the 3300 PBX was being dropped and it would only be available via MiCollab. I don't have any hard proof of that, but I thought I heard this recently from somewhere (Sales Engineering, tech support, or maybe at the last Mitel Roadshow speaking to some of the people there). We had a customer ask about this and we did some digging and were told not to do this as it was going away soon.

But then again, who knows what Mitel does, or doesn't do, sometimes.

Offline sunspark

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Re: IDS LDAP sync
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2018, 04:26:32 AM »
Hi insurin,

I use LDAP To sync with Micollab and pbx (deskphones)

For Deskphone , you configure your Profile ( example 3) . for synch there is no synch button , but you should fill "Resync Time" , the phones will resynch automatically at the indicated time.

Then , in the system option -->LDAP Client Configuration Profile ID --> choose your Ldap profil ( example 3)

that all


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