Author Topic: Transferring calls to Hotdesk Phone  (Read 1070 times)

Offline henrymat

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Transferring calls to Hotdesk Phone
« on: April 05, 2018, 06:18:20 AM »
 We have this scenario - when a user is logged in to a hot desk phone we can call either their hot desk extension or the phone and it will call the user
Phone #1600
Hot desk ext #1200
#1200 logged in to #1600 handset - can call either #1600 or #1200 and still be connected to #1200 user.

However, when transferring a call to #1600 it tries to ring the handset and doesn't forward to the hot desk user.

Is there a way to fix this so transfer calls can be placed to the handset and it will forward to the user that is logged in as if calling normally?



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Re: Transferring calls to Hotdesk Phone
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2018, 07:09:53 AM »

I don't think anyone has ever asked me that before; hmm. So, if you know the user is 1200 why send a call to 1600; would be my first question? If the user changes daily or frequently enough that they don't know who is there then how do they know if anyone is at 1600? I can't think of a scenario where I expect someone to be at a phone and not know what the extension of that person is.

In reality the system isn't usually designed to send calls to a Hot Desk Base phone as it is supposed to have someone logged on for it to be used. What you could try is forwarding 1600 to 1200 prior to logging in with 1200; not sure if that would work but just remember to remove the forward after logging out. Alternately, you could setup Dynamic Extension Express on 1600 and make 1200 the second desk phone for the time period they are logged on to it.

Oh, here is one I just thought of if you have an ACD License on your system. You could create a Hunt Group for each of your base phones you want to do this with; keep in mind you can only have 75 Hunt Groups total so this may not work for you. Then have all of your Hot Desk users in each Hunt Group and when they log onto a particular Hot Desk Base they pick the corresponding ACD Hunt Group to log on to as well. Man, that is a convoluted way of making something work, but when customers ask for odd things you get odd solutions. Then when calls are being transferred to that base you really transfer them to the ACD Hunt Group instead; of course the call won't go to the Logged In users mailbox as they aren't really being rang directly.



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Re: Transferring calls to Hotdesk Phone
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2018, 07:35:58 AM »
When a hot desk profile is active, the extension number is no longer active. Calls placed to the extension number do not ring on the phone.

The person placing the call hears ringing until the forward iniate timer expires, but the phone doesn't actually ring.

We use hot desking extensively for desk sharing. End users are never aware of calls placed to the extension or hot desk profile that is inactive.

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Re: Transferring calls to Hotdesk Phone
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2018, 11:59:06 AM »
Intercom calls to 1600 is forwarding to the logged in hot desk user 1200  because IC forwarding is turned off on 1600
If you turn off all forwarding to 1600 (delete the forwarding path) then all calls to 1600 will forward to whichever hot desk user is logged in.

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Re: Transferring calls to Hotdesk Phone
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2018, 12:54:52 PM »

Nice to know, but I can't think of a reason as to why anyone would create System Forwarding for a Hot Desk Base phone either unless it was someone's actual phone that allowed people to Hot Desk into it; at that point you don't want to remove System Forwarding.




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