Author Topic: Alternate between mailboxes when leaving voicemails (MiVoice Office 250)  (Read 1540 times)

Offline joes

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We have a MiVoice Office 250 system. We have a Hunt Group which, by way of a Call Routing Announcement, gives callers the option to leave a voicemail in a predetermined mailbox rather than wait for a member of the Hunt Group to become available. What I want to do is have the voicemails that are left in this way alternate between being left on two different mailboxes (in order to spread the workload of listening and replying to them).

I thought I might be able to create a second Hunt Group which sends calls to the two mailboxes alternately to forward the call to when the caller presses the assigned 'leave voicemail' key on the Call Routing Announcement, but can't find a way to add a mailbox to a Hunt Group.

Is this possible, or do you have any suggestions to achieve a similar result?

Offline DND ON

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You just create a mailbox associated with the hunt group, just like a mailbox associated with any other device. But I don't follow how you're going to use a hunt group to alternate between mailboxes.

The only way I can think that might work (but I have serious doubts), is to make the existing hunt group announcement or overflow station a CRA that routes to a new distributed hunt group who's members are two new CRAs that time out to two mailboxes.

In theory, the overflow or announcement station CRA plays a greeting with an option to leave a message. Using that CRA should break the hunt group routing and prevent the call from returning to the hunt group if an agent becomes available. Just using a new hunt group without a CRA won't break the routing, and calls will be pulled back.

Again, in theory, a distributed hunt group should alternate routing of calls between the two new CRAs that time out to the mailboxes.

Personally, I would use DEE and light multiple message lamps from the existing mailbox.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 10:19:27 PM by DND ON »

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If you have unified messaging setup you could just send it to a mailbox that others have access to. They can then forward the message off to their own mailbox and then delete the original so others don't work on it at the same time.



Offline joes

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Thanks DND ON and TE.

DND ON, I tried your tentative suggestion about using CRAs and a Distributed Hunt Group and it seems to work great! I'll discuss it with the users involved and my boss before putting it into production.

I'd rather not have them share one mailbox because only one person can access the mailbox at a time (or is that untrue?). Having them forward the messages to their own mailboxes manually would be OK, but I think the CRAs and Distributed Hunt Group method is more streamlined from the users' perspective.

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No, you can have a shared e-mail mailbox between users that they can all see. We have done this with several customers and it works fine for them, but their users are used to this process in the medical field.

Nobody actually logs into the voice mailbox if there is Enhanced Integration or you can set it to Forward Only if you don't have Enhanced Integration. The Voice Processor system currently doesn't have an auto-delete function so that isn't an option unless you have a NuPoint Voice Mail system.



Offline joes

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Hi TE,
I just re-read your last message. I hadn't realized what Unified Messaging was before, but I can now confirm we don't have it, so I don't think this is going to be an option.
Thanks for replying, this forum is great.


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