We have a block of 100 DID's that are used for dedicated fax lines for employees. For the purposes of discussion, let's say this range is XXX-2000 to XXX-2099. We have a 4-port analog FaxFinder connected to the 3300. The four ports are setup on the 3300 as 712, 713, 714, and 715 respectively. These are in a hunt group number 741.
The DID's are configured as line key appearances on a "phantom" 5340 and route directly to the 741 hunt group. Faxing is working as expected...the DTMF digits are passed through to the FaxFinder when one of the four modems answers the call.
Whenever all four lines within the 741 hunt group are busy, calls that come in from outside continue to ring (camp on) instead of receiving a busy signal.
Whenever all four lines within the 741 hunt group are busy, if I call one of the DID's internally (calling extension 2001 for example), I receive a busy signal.
I'm not a telephony guy so I am wondering if this is normal or is there something misconfigured and the calls should not camp on when all four fax modems are busy?
Any pointers are greatly appreciated. I used Ralph's excellent advise from another thread to get this initial configuration working and am wondering if perhaps I missed something simple.