Author Topic: Integrating Mitel, Lync and Exchange 2010 UM together  (Read 5518 times)

Offline slux

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Integrating Mitel, Lync and Exchange 2010 UM together
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:55:14 AM »

Has anyone got all three of these working well together? The problem I am facing is that I can get our 3300 (4.1) integrated with Exchange using SIP - the VM functions all work and MWI works.

I can get the 3300 integrated with Lync via a different Sip trunk  with calls passing between them just fine

Lync and UM also works fine

The problem is if I try to configure everything so calls to both mitel and Lync users go to exchange using just a single trunk to lync.

ie: mitel->lync->Exchange um

in this configuration I can dial the exchange um SA number from a mitel handset - exchange answers and recognises the extension I am calling from and prompts me to log in. However when I set up the call re-routing on the mitel system to re-route calls to the same SA number if an extension is busy or unavailable the exchange server answers with a generic prompt asking for my mailbox number rather than with the user's greeting and prompting for a message.

On the mitel side I have a system speed call that dials the SA number which is routed via the lync sip trunk.

Hope that makes sense? any help would be appreciated - or is what I am doing impossible and I have to just go with two sip trunks - one to exchange for UM for mitel extensions and one to lync for lync extensions?



Offline slux

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Re: Integrating Mitel, Lync and Exchange 2010 UM together
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 12:40:46 PM »
ok - I have been lookingf at the UM logs on exchange when a diverted call comes in from the two paths:

If I call a busy extension and it gets diverted using the direct sip trunk to exchange I get a message on the exchange server as follows:

Code: [Select]
A call was received with the following parameters:
Calling Party: "sip:5956@",
Called Party: "",
Diversion Information: ""<username>" <sip:5965@>;reason=user-busy;counter=1",
Referred-By Header: "",
Call ID "3868999760-92479639@".
Notice how the diversion information is set correctly.

If I do the same but via a trunk connecting to Lync the Diversion information is not set. Any ideas how I can rectify this or is this not related?



Offline brantn

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Re: Integrating Mitel, Lync and Exchange 2010 UM together
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2011, 01:42:55 PM »
There is already an ongoing discussion on the forums about this. To anyone working with SIP use wireshark to get accurate captures. I have this working with seperate trunks just fine and I see that as a better setup than traversing lync for all rerouting. However if you provide a wireshark of a bad sip call and your sip peer profile and incoming digit assignment we could probably solve both problems fairly easily. Why not have two sets of trunks?

Offline slux

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Re: Integrating Mitel, Lync and Exchange 2010 UM together
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 05:29:37 AM »
why not have two trunks? Licensing is one reason - if you only have a limited no of sip trunk licenses they effectively have to be split between the two trunks. the MCD would not allow me to assign more than the remaining no of sip licenses to a new trunk. Yeah I know - they dont cost much but I like to make the most use of what we have!

The other reason is just vanity - it seams like the neatest solution to just have one trunk to lync. But I know that is a very weak justification! I'll work on the wireshark captures and see where that gets me but my time on this aspect of the project is running out so I guess I will end up settling for the two trunk method! 

Offline brantn

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Re: Integrating Mitel, Lync and Exchange 2010 UM together
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 07:53:21 PM »
There are a lot of ways to skin a cat. I get the licensing reason but from a setup a hub and spoke prospective is a  cleaner and is easier to troubleshoot send me your config I might be able to point out where the issue is as I have my theory. I also look at it as another point of failure to voicemail going thru another server just my curiousity that killed the cat.


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