I have a small cluster of about 40 Mitel 3300s all running 9.2. I've been informed that support is running out, it was a good run, but I've got to upgrade. All of these controllers (save for one) operate in an offline sync mode....aka, no internet. So we've set up a laptop, downloaded 10.2, configured IIS (17 times over) and made this our custom software repository. I can open a browser type in the ip address/swrepo/ and I can see all the files and directories therein. So far so good. From any of those controllers I can PING the repository lap top...excellent! However, when I add this custom repository to my controller: "Failed to connect to the repository. Verify that the URL address is correct. You may need to specify a fully qualified domain name in the URL address." in nice red letters of failure. I've included two screenshots...one of the failure and another of a browser opened.
What are we missing?
Edit: We have encountered the exact same issue even within the same subnet. We are not able to see (via wireshark) any http request being sent from a controller to the repository.