Author Topic: Mivoice A470 with Airtel Sip Trunking  (Read 1643 times)

Offline abmitel

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Mivoice A470 with Airtel Sip Trunking
« on: June 01, 2022, 12:43:23 PM »
Hi we have setting up Airtel sip trunking with Mivoice 470 without MBG

we are unable to register successfully with airtel . we logged call with Mitel and below is the response , has anyone interfaced mivoice A470 with Airtel service provider sip trunking

_________________________________________________ __________
Thanks for the trace.
I can see that the MiVo400 is using the correct source port (5060) based on the config you supplied and the actual trace.

We are sending from 5060 and expecting responses on this port:

11:36:29.872: SIP: >> :UDP MT: REGISTER
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_AI2022May313629870+912241815000239;rport
Contact: ;expires=3600

We can see from the telco response that they are actually seeing messages on port 65476 as this is signalled in the 'rport':

11:36:30.384: SIP: << :UDP MT: 403 Forbidden
SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK_AI2022May31363071+912241815000240;rport=65476.
You will need to check network devices between the MiVo400 and the telco (routers, firewalls, etc) to determine where the port is being changed.
I suggest you get a network trace at the nearest router and verify the SIP signalling at that point is using the correct port.



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