I wonder if it is to kill Avaya as they did with Toshiba or continue with the products? avaya does have good market share (despite the financial issues) in certain regions...
Mitel didn't buy Toshiba to kill them, it was already dead... Toshiba had already announced they were discontinuing developing and supporting all telecom products, Mitel bought them purely for the customer base.
I have to believe this is also about that, buying the customer base... Let's face it, if this all goes through as expected, what choices to customers have in big name premise based systems? Cisco and Mitel?
The next question is, does it matter? Gonna be honest here, over the last 10 years we have seen a dramatic shift in our sales from premise based to hosted (we sell both, aggressively)... In 2010 I would guess 98% of all handsets we installed were premise based Mitel, ESI, and Avaya systems, and in 2018 it was like 15% but the only reason it wasn't under 10% was we had a fairly large Mitel install go in last summer. I would say 15-20 hosted phones go in to one premise based.
It seems like the premise based market has become niche now, if there isn't a good reason to avoid a hosted product, most customers go that way.
I have to admit this situation might not be typical... Hosted does well in our market because our Internet service is quite good in North Dakota.