Author Topic: Adding New Extension; What to copy over from another?  (Read 3053 times)

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Adding New Extension; What to copy over from another?
« on: June 28, 2018, 05:21:47 PM »
We're expanding a bit and I need to add a couple of new extensions to our system.

In DB Programming, I go
  > MiVoice Office 250 > System > Devices and Feature Codes > Phones

Right-click in blank area on the right, Create 52xx/53xx.

Assign the starting extension, which is the next one in our list, 216.

Check box for Create User

This creates the extension.
I plan to copy settings from another extension.  I copy that extension, and go to paste.  I'm not sure which options, if any, I should exclude?

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Re: Adding New Extension; What to copy over from another?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2018, 06:27:33 PM »

Loaded question....

What I mean by that is what if anything is the same on the phone that you are copying from that you want the phone you are copying to to be the same?

In any case the one you will almost never have checked is Transfer Recall Destination; only in rare occasions will this be the same.

The remainder of the boxes can remain checked but there are a few concessions to that.

1. Will the phone you are copying to have a Voice Mail box? If so then you will probably want the System Forwarding box to remain checked. The caveat to this is that the phone you are copying from also has to have a Voice Mail box AND isn't doing anything fancy with its System Forwarding other than sending calls based on conditions to its Associated Mailbox.

See what I mean with loaded question and we haven't even got started.

2. Is the phone you are copying from the same style phone; 5320, 5330, 5340, 5360, etc.. This determines what keymap the phone will have. If you copy from a 5330, but the phone is a 5320 you will see the keys in different places even though they both just have one row of keys on the left side.

3. Going along with the theme of keys do want you want the Programmable Keys to be the same; typically not as this is a users preference. What I will do is just not check the User Programmable keys box and then just go in to the phones Programmable Keys and delete them, and then I will copy its Programmable Keys to the other new phones as that takes some time. Alternately you could just copy from a phone that has its Programmable Keys already cleared out.

4. Will the phones have the same Attendant. By this what I mean is if they press 0 at the phone where do you want it to ring to. If they will have different Attendants then just uncheck that box as well and manually change it.

There are a lot of other conditions here that follow along those same lines, but for the most part those are the big ones; especially Transfer Recall Destination. Oh!! Another one is Passcode as by default it is the same as the extension number!!! On our systems that is customized, but on a lot of other vendor systems they leave them default so you probably don't want to copy another phones passcode.

Hope that helps a little, but in the end you really do need to know and understand what each option is and how they interact with the system to really know what needs to be changed and what doesn't as not all vendors program the system the same way.



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Re: Adding New Extension; What to copy over from another?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2018, 07:02:24 PM »
Hey TE,
thanks, yeah, I know what you mean about it being loaded; every environment is different and there wasn't enough information there in my original post.

I just let 'er rip, except the Passcode, and went back later to compare between an existing mailbox and the new one.  Yes, I did have to adjust the things you mentioned.  Now I have a better understanding of what to Paste for our environment.

Long day here, and I didn't give much consideration to the fact that I was copying a 5340 to a 5320 (dehr), so I completely missed the Keymap and Programmable Keys, so that was screwy.  I just went back later and copied from another 5320, applying only the Keymap and Programmable Keys options.

This is my exclusion list so far:
  • Passcode
  • Keymaps
  • Programmable Keys
  • Associated Extensions > required only the Transfer Recall Destination adjustment

Of course, the MAC address was zeroed so I had to enter that, too.

Thanks for the info - adding this link to my knowledgebase! (in Evernote, btw)

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Re: Adding New Extension; What to copy over from another?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2018, 10:30:09 AM »

What you could do is what we do for our default database and that is create a Copy/Paste entry for phones and one for mailboxes. This way you know exactly what you are getting every time and the flags you use to paste will always be the same.

This is from my "how to create a default database" that all technicians at Tech use. I have added some comments for things that would need to be created first before some of the changes can be applied.

System/Devices and Feature Codes/Phones/19000
-Passcode      Delete Out Any Passcodes and apply Tech Standard

-/Associated Extensions
-- Attendant                 2000 <-- This would need to be created in the Hunt Groups first.
-- Message Center         2500 <-- This would need to be created in the Voice Processor first.
-- Alternate Message Source   None
-- Transfer Recall Destination   19000
-- Voice Mail                 2500 <-- This would need to be created in the Voice Processor first.
-- Outgoing Extension              92000
-- Agent Help                 None
-- Agent Help User-Keyed Ext.   No
-- Emergency Extension      92000
-- Associated User Extension   None

-/Call Logging
-- Allow Duplicate Entries      No
-- Enable Call Logging              Yes
-- Maximum Number of Entries   20

-/Class of Service/Day & Night      <--This has now changed in the new Default Database due to SIP Hacking. There is also new Classes of Services built in the default database for countries that use the NANP.
-- 1   ARS Only
-- 8   Denied Numbers
-- 9   Allowed Numbers

-- Administrator                            No
-- Attendant                            No
-- Audio Diagnostics                    No
-- Display CID on Ringing                 Yes
-- Handsfree On/Off                    No
-- Initiate Direct Page                         Yes
-- Propagate Original Caller ID on Transfer   Yes
-- Ring Intercom Always   On/Off      Yes
-- Transfer to Connect Allowed         Yes

-Add 2 System Forwarding Paths
-/Fowarding Paths/1 [Internal Calls] <-- System Forwarding Path 1 goes to 2500 [Voice Mail].
-- Ring Principle Once                      No
-- Station - Busy                         No
-- Station - DND                         No
-- Station - No Answer              Yes
-- Station - Immediate              No
-- System - Day Mode                      Yes
-- System - Night Mode              Yes
-- Fwd Call Type - Call Routing Table   No
-- Fwd Call Type - CO Ring-In      No
-- Fwd Call Type - CO Transfer/AA/VM   No
-- Fwd Call Type - CO Recall      No
-- Fwd Call Type - DISA              No
-- Fwd Call Type - IC Calls              Yes

-/Fowarding Paths/2 [External Calls]  <-- System Forwarding Path 1 goes to 2500 [Voice Mail].
-- Ring Principle Once                      No
-- Station - Busy                         No
-- Station - DND                         Yes
-- Station - No Answer              Yes
-- Station - Immediate              No
-- System - Day Mode                      Yes
-- System - Night Mode              Yes
-- Fwd Call Type - Call Routing Table   Yes
-- Fwd Call Type - CO Ring-In      Yes
-- Fwd Call Type - CO Transfer/AA/VM   Yes
-- Fwd Call Type - CO Recall      No
-- Fwd Call Type - DISA              Yes
-- Fwd Call Type - IC Calls              No

-/Programmable Keys
-- Set All to Undefined

-- Mailbox                           Associated Mailbox
-- Mailbox User-Keyed Extension     No
-- Application                   2502   <-- This would need to be created in the Voice Processor first.

Voice Processor/Devices/Mailboxes
- XXXX   <-- All Associated Mailboxes should be programmed the same
-- Dial-0 Destination Type                                      Operator
-- Auto Attendant Transfer Prompt                           No
-- Deliver Hangup Message (when ANI is available)   No
-- Passcode   Blank
-- Message Notification Phone   [Whoever is the main person in the Operator HG]
-- Time Zone   (GMT -06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

That should get you off to a good start I would think.



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Re: Adding New Extension; What to copy over from another?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2018, 01:23:04 PM »
TE, thanks!
I had a similar thought briefly last night after our discussion.  This is a great idea!
I'll reference your notes here against our general configuration, and make the adjustments where appropriate.

I mentioned in another thread, I'd been away from Inter-tel/Mitel systems for a few years.  It's great to be back.  I love having more control over programming and adjustments.  Our voice and data service installer was great, I have no major complaints, but as the IT guy, I like to have a general working knowledge of everything we run, so that I can respond quickly when we need service or adjustments.

It's understandably tough for installers to be available on demand for quick Q/A, or for them to know everything about an environment's needs and configure it perfectly during installation.  This group did a pretty good job, but there were still gaps after we went live when we moved offices and started getting some time on the system.  The Vendor Questionnaire helped a good bit, but it didn't get enough attention.

Anyway, we're getting it dialed a little at a time.  We'll need to do some training shortly, and I'm slowly pulling together an info packet from KB notes I've collected as I've been becoming more familiar with the system again, myself.

This forum has been a fantastic resource.  I'm really glad to have found it.


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