Hi buddies,
recently one mxe in my office restarted 2 times in the past several days, logs indict that due to E2t issue. the icp and e2t card ip address are out of the range of dhcp ip address pool . so there's no possibility that ip address conflict. below is relevant logs.
E2t is not responding to PING @ FRI NOV 04 11:57:37 2011
This is not a LX system, so there is no L2 to reset
PING 56 data bytes
ping: timeout
no answer from
E2t is not responding to PING
/db/spyLog/ResetL2EventLog.wvr will contain 15 seconds of Object and System Libraries Events (WV_CLASS_3)
alt usage
MCT_CommResetRemoteCb Raise SMCT_CommResetCystem Alarm
E2tRaiseAlarm called
Delay Component Failure notification by 120 sec while attempting to get E2T debug files
E2tProxy<->E2t (Remote) Communications failure
Unexpected Result->E2tProxySpImpl::E2TSP_Router_EntryGetMsg from E2T failed
Unexpected Result->ResetE2tConnection invoked
Unexpected Result->GetMsgm_ConnectedSocket.Read failed: Connection reset. (600b0036) Connection reset.
OpenMID:86fd4383 CID: 6fd5225 MSGConnection[CID:6d83207] already exists, OpenTxNack to CCC.
OpenMID:86f9236d CID: 6f9321f MSGConnection[CID:6d83207] already exists, OpenTxNack to CCC.
tE2tHeartBeat: Internal L2 Switch was Resetdue to E2T Heartbeat failure; E2T might be rebooting. See log /db/L2ResetLog.txt
OpenMID:8452a31d CID: 452b210 MSGConnection[CID:4529209] already exists, OpenRxNack to CCC.
CompleteFsmRequest: MID:8c52830b CID: 4529209 PCC[ 0x4529209 ]:Tx[ IP_PHONE, PortId:1365, CompId:1, DN:7541 ] Rx[ TDM, PortId=5, CompId=16, DN: ]completed in [ 10000 ] msec in state [ RX_CLOSED ] with a failure [ FSM_RX_CLOSE_TIMEDOUT ]
OpenMID:86dc4318 CID: 6dc520e MSGConnection[CID:6d83207] already exists, OpenTxNack to CCC.
if there's anything wrong with the hardware ??