Hello everyone,
Iam very glad that i discovered such a forum exists so i hope it would be very useful and informative. Iam doing an installation of Mitel A-470(ver4.1).The configuration is 130 analog extensions,2 SIP extensions( 6737i and 6873i),one ISDN PRI and SIP networking ports(8nos).The PBX at the other end is Siemens Hipath 3800.The network is up with 8 SIP channels for voice communication Iam facing strange issue(s) which i am explaining below :
1. Calls from Mitel Analog extensions to Mitel SIP extensions and vice versa have disturbances in voice .Analog user reports a cracking voice when he receives a call from SIP user but SIP user can hear the analog user perfectly.
2.Calls from Mitel Analog extensions to Siemens Hipath 3800 extensions too have the same voice disturbances.The Siemens user can hear the voice properly but Mitel analog user gets crackling voice while speaking.
3.Calls from Mitel SIP extensions to PSTN via ISDN PRI too have same voice disturbances.The external party reports crackling voice whereas their voice is clear on the SIP extension.
As a part of resolving this issue I have isolated both the SIP extensions ie i have disconnected both of them from customer's POE switch and have connected them to LAN1.3 and LAN1.4 in Mitel A-470.I have 2 POE injectors from where i have connected both the SIP phones.I have also removed the customer LAN cable connected to LAN1.2 and i have put both the SIP phones in the same IP series as the Mitel A-470.After that when i tested i found all the calls were working fine(Ana-SIP,SIP-Ana,SIP-PSTN).The only testing that wasn't done was calls between Mitel analog and Siemens as we had removed customer LAN cable.
Now,i request can anyone please help me with LAN port settings or port configuration on either Mitel or Cisco switch that would be needed to make it work.Please note that the switch used here is a Cisco Catalyst 2960-X series.
Thank you in advance
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