Here's one I haven't seen.
Mitel 5320 phone registered to a vMCD.
Multiple remote controllers: All ver 5.0 - all phones register to central vMCD.
Only a handful of phones do this and then only at 1 remote site. Move the phone to any other site and it works fine.
When booting the phone give and error:
Exception 2, TLB (load or instr fetch) @00000010, Task: tNetTask, TiD:0x947bed20, Stack usage: 5%, SP 0x947bf1a8, Cause: 0x1000c01, Bad 0x00000010,
Data switch has been rebooted (think ARP issue). Connect another phone to the same data switch port and it works fine.
Connect the bad phone to a known good phone it still fails. Move the phone to another remote site and it works fine.
There's around 7 phones doing this.
Has anyone seen this error.