Dear Friends,
I have a 3300 AX controller running on 9.0.3 release, I adquire the SWA to upgrade and supporting the controller on Mitel.
I'm trying to upgrade to rel 4.0 to change de data into the SDS for new releases. But I Have a problem, My 3300 AX has a 4g flash card installed on it, but when I try to make the Upgrade using the Software Installer for 4.0 while the software its running appears this error; A System Flash with a size of less than 2GB detected.
how I say the system has a 4Gbit flash card on it but I don't know why this message appears and the controller return to starting to the 9.0 release, please can any body tellme how to upgrade my AX or fix this problem with the Flash, any steps, Tips will be appresiate.
best regarding