Hi there,
Sorry for my late response. I had some days off so I didn't check the forums.
I checked the version, its 5.0SP1 of Mitel Communications Director. I checked some of the help files and they are really well done. Still, my problem is that there are so many forms, and because I don't know what I'm looking for, I'm kind of lost even with the help.
The first thing I tried (and finally managed to find) was to change the Greetings message. With the help of the help files, I managed to record a new RAD greeting and upload it to the system, configured the Rad Set correctly to play my new message.
Now what I would like to understand now is how does the system, when users call the extension 1 (which is our standard extension), how are they routed to the RAD message when noone answers the call? (Its more because I want to learn how the system works rather than change anything)
What I know but can't find in the system:
Someone calls our number 123456-1 --> 6 different phones ring. Anyone can take it.
If no one answers the call, the RAD greeting gets activated.
What I know and found in the system:
The 6 ringing phones are defined in a Ring group (ext. 30).
I have a hunt group with extension 79, with member DN 81.
DN 81 is mapped to a VM Port 1
VM Port 1 is in turn mapped to RAD Set 1
RAD Set 1 plays my greeting.
There is a Class of service of 8 defined for the RAD.
What I would like to know is how and where does the system route the call from 123456-1 to ring group 30 and in case of no answer to the hunt group 79?
I checked the ACD Paths forms because I thougt that could be it, but they are all empty. Can anyone give me a hint where I could find this configuration.
Again, I just want to understand the system, not modify it...yet :-)
P.S: I don't think a Mitel Training is an option. I'm working for my governement and we don't have money for a training :-)