Is the Paging Port Output considered a line level out put? For testing purposes could a pair of headphones be connected to the page port to confirm it is outputting page? Our paging stopped working over the weekend, and I'm finding it a bit difficult to test whether the paging output isn't occurring or if there is a failure of either the paging amplifier or zone unit.
I've got page working temporarily with an extra V2001A and a Cisco ATA which we had setup at an external location. If I connect the SIP ATA to a telephone jack and then wire Red to Ring and Green to Tip, the phone system doesn't recognize that anything is connected to the ATA and thus won't connect the "call", it just says "destination is not responding". If I connect the 3.5mm page port (which I've scotchlok'd some telephone patch wire onto) to the Page In on the V2001A I don't get audio out the speakers.
Any thoughts?