Author Topic: Transferred call to busy extension doesn't go to voicemail; ring a call pickup  (Read 3732 times)

Offline kenglish

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Hi guys,

I've recently been learning our system and I am trying to both fix a problem we are having as well as try to find a way to connect a couple phones per say.

First one, currently, if someone (party A) calls in, one of our receptionists (Party B) picks up the call. They then transfer Party A to whomever they are trying to reach (Party C) but in the event that Party C is already on the phone/ is busy, Party A is redirected after some time back to Party B who transferred them. We would like for Party A to be able to go to Party C's voicemail.
Additionally, we would like that if Party A is transferred to an extension without a voicemail, that they do get redirected back to Party B. I know I changed something recently to do that, but I do not recall what/ where that was.

My second task is a bit more complicated. I have two extensions, 1 is up in one work location, and 2 is down in a different work location. I am trying to figure out a way to sortof link these two extensions. I have put them both in a pickup group so that each can pickup the other's line, however since they are so far removed from one another, it is difficult to tell when the other extension is being called. I tried putting them in a ring group and changing the COS to forward after a much shorter amount of time, and put the ring group as the first alternative for all no answers. My hope is that after the call forward timer, the ring group would ring for the remainder of the time, then transfer to extension 2's voicemail, but I am not having success in getting this to work.  My end goal would be that it is easy to notice if the other extension is being called and be able to pick it up, but still retain some sort of individual extension calling. Oh, phones are 5312 IP phones.

Thank you for any insight you can shed!

Offline VinceWhirlwind

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You could create a 3rd DN and apply it to both handsets as a multiline key. For that to work properly if the two handsets are homed to different controllers, you need to add the extensions to the "Remote Busy Lamps" forms on each controller.
The voicemail going to the wrong extension drives all our customers crazy. One (lame) workaround is to send the transferred call to a nametag huntgroup instead of to the extension. So you'd need one of these hunt groups for every single user. And then you'd need to figure out how to get your users to ignore the telephone directory and send calls to the hunt groups instead. And then your users will think  *you* are lame.

Offline kenglish

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So of course almost right after I posted I found why the transfer calls were not going to voicemail when the destination was busy, the call forwarding for the phone was only set to go to voicemail on no answer.

Not sure how to set up the sets to be multi line, that's where I was initially looking, unless I am understanding you wrong? I am still very new to the terminology

Offline b_hackbarth

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I think he was referring to multicall keys, not the fact that a set is multiine.

What system are you working on?    What you are asking is easily programmed on the 3300.

Offline ralph

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For the busy condition:
1) look at the Call Forwarding First Alt of the extension that is being xferred to.  I'm betting it looks like this:
Normal Normal Normal Normal This This This This <VM Extension>
If that's the case then change it to "This This This This This This This This <VM Extension>".
This assumes that you are using Multicall Keys. 
If it's already set up that way then look at the Class of Service of both the xferring phone and destination phone and be sure the No Answer Recall Timer is longer than the No Answer Call Forward timer.
If you don't use Multicall keys and the call is actually camping on, blank out the Auto Campon Time in both the xferring and destination extension's Class of Service.

For your second Q:
(2)  Phone B needs to know when Phone A is ringing but they're not in the same room.
Put Phone A's extension on a button on Phone B.  You can set it to ring at the same time Phone A rings or you can set it to Delay Ring.  Then it will ring twice on phone A before it begins to ring both of them.


Offline kenglish

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I think he was referring to multicall keys, not the fact that a set is multiine.

What system are you working on?    What you are asking is easily programmed on the 3300.

Ah ok, I am still learning some of the terminology.

For the busy condition:
1) look at the Call Forwarding First Alt of the extension that is being xferred to.  I'm betting it looks like this:
Normal Normal Normal Normal This This This This <VM Extension>
If that's the case then change it to "This This This This This This This This <VM Extension>".
This assumes that you are using Multicall Keys. 
If it's already set up that way then look at the Class of Service of both the xferring phone and destination phone and be sure the No Answer Recall Timer is longer than the No Answer Call Forward timer.
If you don't use Multicall keys and the call is actually camping on, blank out the Auto Campon Time in both the xferring and destination extension's Class of Service.

For your second Q:
(2)  Phone B needs to know when Phone A is ringing but they're not in the same room.
Put Phone A's extension on a button on Phone B.  You can set it to ring at the same time Phone A rings or you can set it to Delay Ring.  Then it will ring twice on phone A before it begins to ring both of them.


I ended up finding the solution to my first question not to long after I posted. I ended up going to the Group Admin Tool and found it there, I didn't see any forwarding selection on the system admin tool which is why I missed it.

For my second item, if I understand right, when I program one of the keys on Phone B, I should be able to change the ring type? I tried to change it to Delay Ring however it comes up with a message "Ring Type cannot be valued". What should the button's Line Type be? Thanks!]
Edit: Ah, this is where the "multicall" key comes in I think. Trying that now!

So, one last related question then, is there a way to allow Phone B to "share" Phone A's mailbox? Both in call forwarding, and in message indicator. I am guessing in the user configuration I specify the same mailbox name?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 04:22:25 PM by kenglish »


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