Hello, I am new at Mitel phone administration, so bear with me.
We have three different phones in this building that restart themselves every night. (The other 60+ are unaffected.) The users come in in the morning to the "Applications Loading" message. They unplug the phone, wait a few seconds, plug them back in, and are good for the day.
I replaced one of the phones, didn't help. That user (Ed) got a new office, different network cable, same issue. He kept his old phone.
All of the phones pass through network data, and the computers (all running Windows 7) are unaffected. Two of the users terminate in a different switch than the last one I mentioned. I went through the settings for Ed's phone in the Mitel 3300, they match every one else's phone.
The phones are supposed to fail over to a different building, could that be the issue? Why only these three phones? Other than that, no one else has issues.
I've had the vendor remote in and look at settings, and we have rebooted the Mitel server.