Author Topic: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently  (Read 3417 times)

Offline wobbly_head_bob

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MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« on: December 16, 2011, 02:09:47 PM »
Here's the situation:

A call from one extension to another within the network (so far, this is the only example I have been given) the call will for no apparent reason abruptly end, no click, nothing on the screen, just stops cold and forces the caller to redial the extension and start over.

A basic layout of my network, and for this call in particular, is this (all switches are MCD 4.0:

John ss4025 ext 1234 in SwitchA is calling Sue ss4025 ext 5678 in SwitchC.

SwitchA will send the call over IP trunks to SwitchB, which will then route the call over T1 to SwitchC. 

That scenario will take place hundreds of time over the course of the day, but the failures will happen only "every now and then"  (I've only just had them start contacting me immediately when it happens, they consider it a minor annoyance, but I'd rather see it not happen at all). 

The log files in either of the three switches aren't helpful and I don't see anything that immediately grabs me and nothing with the same time stamp as the call.  I'm capturing the diagnostic reports from all three and opening a ticket with Mitel, but you guys have any ideas of what I should/could be look at/for?  Naturally I'm eagerly anticipating the good ol' standby "upgrade to XXXXX" answer.  :)

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Re: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 04:00:30 PM »
Are the calls dropping on the same subnet or does it always happen across the WAN?

Here's a tool to help. 
It will show you the direction of the source of the disconnect.  In other words, which system disconnected the call.

Sample commands & test call from 3300ICP's  SX2000 interface:

lldcli smdr_disc on
----->  performed test call
lldcli smdr_disc off

SMDR will read similar to this:

 08/16 02:30P 00:00:07 2002  002 2001                      I 2001               
>08/16 02:29P 00:00:07 2002      624700                    A X999               
LOGSYS info: READ completed for SMDR log with 2 entries.   

Note the ">" symbol indicating that the call was disconnected by remote extension 4700 via IP trunks.

When the command to disable the indicator is entered, the < and > will no longer appear

Bear in mind that you must do this from the sx2000 interface (telnet port 23) and this does not survive a system reboot.

Please be sure to set it up on both system and then run several test so you understand the smdr records and how it works before you have to track down a call.


Offline wobbly_head_bob

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Re: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 10:10:29 AM »
After some mild head banging to remember the sx2000 logins, I was able to turn this feature on.  Thanks, Ralph!

I'm still waiting for the user to continue to report these intermittent drops.

To answer the question you posed, Ralph, everything is on the same subnet....If I get a few free minutes today I can attach a general layout of our 3300 network for clarity.

Offline jj27sf

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Re: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 11:19:28 AM »
I realize this is an old thread but I am trying to turn on the SMDR disconnect feature. i am running MCD 6.0SP3. I have tried logging in to telnet port 23 and every pw combination I have tried fails, I have tried system and default pw, my everyday esm username and pw, system and current pw all to no avail .  Any ideas?

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Re: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 11:30:36 AM »
I'll pm you with details.


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Re: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2014, 11:24:43 AM »
Thanks Ralph.  Feels like the old days with you answering my questions. :D

OK who hung up on whom? (Caller Id info same on both lines, eliminated for privacy reasons)

>12/22 10:10:11  0000:14:42 T5060   0001 T51*******5 8964 8832601   SX9999     
                           704   5*******5            8964               M704496
3 A                                                                             
<12/22 10:10:11  0000:14:40 T5060        T51*******5 8832601       ASX9999     
                           704   5*******5                              M704496
3 B                                                                             

Offline ralph

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Re: MCD 4.0 Calls dropping out to dead air intermittently
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2014, 05:12:11 PM »
That's really hard to tell from the call records.

That looks like a trunk to trunk call to me.
Is the call coming in from a trunk and then transferring to a PBX?
You may want turn this on on the PBX the phone is connected to.



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