Calls both incoming and outgoing are dropping intermittently. Lots of logs regarding the below every few mins?? - no major alarm on system but can anyone identify where the problem lies? I've contacted the ISDN 30 supplier to run checks their side.
Log Number: 3789
Severity: Warning
Date: 2014/Aug/29
Time: 14:59:54
Source: Call Control - Software
Description: SWERR error_dequeuing, OFFSET 2:$AD5A, PC: $285C2E LOG_ID: bgrpmgr#95, PROCEDURE: brdcst_group_manager, SEVERITY: cp_major PID: ($2, $61), PLID: 1 3 2 29 SWID: ss4 137, DAM: out_of_service_ SS4_LINE_BUTTON: 0
Module: Main
File Name and Line Number: log_outputs_util_en.c;1595