I have reached our max for our system. 1432 numbers. If I try to add more is says no due to alpha tagging... Our Mitel partner says:
"Following further investigation from our internal technical help desk and support from Mitel 3rd line we understand that the Mitel Directory is based on a 4 digit extension entry. (essentially an internal directory albeit that external numbers can be included).
You have purchased the CX controller which has a user limit of just over 100 IP users and is therefore processor power and memory is resourced accordingly.
Our understanding is you are attempting to upload over 16,000 directory entries which are largely external numbers ranging from 12- 16 digits into a system of this size.
Whilst the Mitel system has one of the largest internal directories on the market the directory resources cannot support the number you are looking at especially as the majority are 12-16 digit entries.
Our understanding is that this is not possible even if we plan to flex the system dimensions. Flex Dims is a chargeable service where we can allocate more system resource to a particular area of the system features, in this case the directory, by reducing the resources allocated to other features.
It is Mitel’s opinion that to achieve a directory size similar to the one you are trying to load will take so much resource it will seriously affect the normal operation of the system and therefore they would not undertake this.
The conclusion being that we cannot import the directory size you are attempting"
We can cut down 16000 entries, but 1432 is not many. Or should I just accept it? Advise please?