Author Topic: 5312 in SIP mode web config page  (Read 3273 times)

Offline snoozyninja

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5312 in SIP mode web config page
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:12:34 AM »

I have a 5312 in SIP mode and am trying to get into the Web Configuration page. When i type the ip address of the phone into my browser i just get taken to a page saying "Mitel SIP Phone" at the top - it then allows me to select a language and enter an IP address for my tftp server...but thats all i get. I was expecting to see a login box etc.

If i enter a tftp server address and submit the phone reboots and then i end up back at the same page.

Can't work out where i'm going wrong and its driving me nuts!

The phone is running firmware v8

Offline snoozyninja

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Re: 5312 in SIP mode web config page
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 01:50:56 PM »
If no one knows the answer to this does anyone know where i can get a copy of the sip firmware for the 5312 so that i can load onto my tftp server and see if that sorts the issue ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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