Author Topic: Voice mail notification  (Read 4572 times)

Offline Mike Abell

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Voice mail notification
« on: February 21, 2011, 11:57:38 AM »

Another problem.  I need to have the system "call" a particular number (cell phone in this case) if someone dials into that particular extension and leaves a voice-mail.  I read about the "voice mail notification" feature on a mailbox that I believe can be accessed by pressing "2" or  "8" maybe in the VM user options menu but it says "invalid" selection when I try to use either one of those.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  We are using Nupoint messenger if that makes any difference.  Thanks!


Offline edmicra

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Re: Voice mail notification
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 06:42:42 AM »
If you have access to the 3300 you want to look at Personal Contacts in the 3300 help files. Lots of info there.

You must be licenced for Advanced VM as indicated in the License and Options Selection form.

Set the following options for the voice mail Class of Service:

Set "Public Network Access via DPNSS" to "Yes".

Set "Public Network to Public Network Connection Allowed" to "Yes".

Set the "Inter-digit Timer" field to "3" seconds. This prevents the voice mail timer from timing out before the call is completed.

Set the "Account Code Length" field to the same value as the extension digit length

BE VERY CAREFULL to ensure that COR is applied in order to prevent Toll Fraud.

Set the Maximum Dialed Digits for the COR to the same number of digits as the speed call number and apply that to all of the voice mail ports.

Program the number to dial as a speed call number and enter the speed call number as the personal contact number. Set the speed call number to override toll control

Offline edmicra

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Re: Voice mail notification
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2011, 11:24:14 AM »
Further to my previous post.

I may have misunderstood. You can also use the msg notification option in the users voice mail box by entering the speed call number as previously advised. This does not require advanced voice mail option.

Again taking note of COR and toll control.

Offline edmicra

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Re: Voice mail notification
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 12:28:00 PM »

My apologies. I should have read your original post more thoroughly. You have Nupoint and my suggestions relate to embedded voice mail on the 3300 so please disregard previous info


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