We have a location that would like to use the RFP 12 base station along with the DECT 112 cordless phone. When connecting the base station to our MiVB IP address the phone works as normal; rings, calls, etc.
The issue is we'll need to connect the RFP 12 to our Mitel Border Gateway and when inputting the IP for the MBG the handset loses SIP registration. I've gone through Mitel's documentation for configuring the RFP 12 as a Teleworker in the config, but the MBG is still not seeing the device. Is there another step that I am missing in the MBG? Since the RFP 12 stations are set up as generic SIP devices in MiVB will I need to set up an additional SIP device in the MBG?
MBG Version:
MiVB Ver: