Actually, Release 7.3 of the Guide has it on Page122:
Install the MiCollab Windows Desktop ClientThe MiCollab Client installer ships as a Windows Installer package. You can use a file server on
your network as a software distribution point for the MiCollab Client. When you complete the system
configuration, send the Welcome E-mail to users, which includes a link to the software location on
the server.
Software distribution pointA Software Distribution Point uses Active Directory Group Policy objects to deploy MiCollab Client
using Active Directory Group Policy objects. This enables MiCollab Client to be run from a single
location and appear to be installed on every user's desktop.
Installing MiCollab Client using a distribution point is done with an administrative install of the installer
package to a network share. The share point must be accessible to all users who will install MiCollab
Client. The command for the administrative installation is:
%>msiexec /a UnifiedCommunicatorAdvanced.msi
The administrative installation wizard prompts you to enter a location for the administrative image.
Users can be instructed to install MiCollab Client from this folder via the network share. The users
can run the installation wizard by clicking the file and entering the MiCollab Client Service FQDN
when prompted.
Alternatively, a transform file (see “Creating a transform” on page 128), or the Explorer shortcut that
includes the IP property in the command parameters, could be provided:
%>msiexec /i UnifiedCommunicatorAdvanced.msi UC_SERVER_HOSTNAME=””
In this example, UC_SERVER_HOSTNAME property is set to the IP address of the MiCollab Client
Suppressing the installation wizard dialogs can further customize the installation by using the /qn
flag. More customization options can be found in the Windows Installer SDK documentation at