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Messages - qwtech

Pages: [1]
Sorry that I haven't updated the situation in a week or so.

We tried ghost's suggestion, we even tried connecting the phone directly into the phone system, bypassing DHCP altogether and we get the same L2 Download error and boot loop. At this point, we think it's a bad batch of firmware from the company we bought them from.

One of the six phones is not giving an L2 error and has a firmware of, but it throws a TFTP Packet Send error instead that I can't seem to get rid of either. We have someone from our phone company coming out to take a better look at them tomorrow, and hopefully we'll get it sorted.

Thank you all so much for your efforts in assisting me; you've been very kind.

Thank you all for your suggestions, but the issue remains.

ghost - I was provided my teleworker IP by my boss and followed your instructions, but it has the same L2 Download Err, same boot loop. :-/

x-man - I believe you are right about our DHCP running off of a different server, and I am currently working with my boss to verify these settings. However, if those settings were the issue, the 5340 and one other 5330 that were set up months ago would still be having problems, right? That is to say, if we were to unplug them and plug them back in, they would be stuck in this same loop. We have rebooted those phones, and they boot without issue.

ghost - I'm told we are using version, and the other phones we have on the system are a 5330 and a 5340. Makes this even more confusing. <_>

Thank you very much for your help, gentlemen!

A bit more background:
- There are two 5300 series phones already setup and working on our system. They were setup by my boss, but it was a while ago and he cannot recall doing anything different than with our 5200 series phones. Unplugging them and rebooting them does not cause any issues and they boot up fine.

- We bought six brand new 5330s, and they all have this same L2 Download Error issue. The first time they boot, they got to the PIN, but after entering the PIN, they have all have this error.

- About 50% of the time I can Default the Network settings and get back to the PIN screen, but the same thing occurs if I enter the pin again. Can you verify that entering the PIN and extension is the same as on the 5200 series phones? **1XXXX where XXXX is the extension, right?

One correction to my last post:
- The phone boots and has "DHCP: Discovering Using Option 128+" but then shows "Releasing" and then tries again using Option 125.

ralph - Correct me if I'm wrong, but by "verify that the PBX is programmed with the correct phone type" do you mean make sure the extension I assigned to the phone has 5330 set as the phone type? If you do, I have verified that several times.

acejavelin - The firmware version was the number that shows on boot labeled "Boot Ver" and "Master Ver" Am I correct in deducing that is indeed the firmware version?

Brand new to these forums, and admittedly a complete Mitel noob. I've been tasked with getting some brand new 5330's for some new users, but I'm hitting a wall. The phones will boot fine and then ask for a PIN. My experience with 5215/5224/5220s is that you enter the **1 and then the extension you're applying to the phone. Once I do that, the phone flashes our correct Mitel server IP address and reboots, but when downloading updates, it then displays "L2 DOWNLOAD ERR", and eventually gets to "GetSoftwareLoad" with the correct Mitel server IP again. This cycle continues forever.

I've scoured the internet for anyone else having this same problem with no luck, but I've found that there is some info I might provide you knowledgeable folk that might help.

Phone Firmware Version
Using Option 128+

I know very little about the Mitel server settings itself (I just setup and manage the users), but I might be able to have my boss provide information on request.

Thank you for any help/guidance you may be able to provide.

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