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Messages - supermike

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hotdesk into Softphone extension?
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:16:33 AM »
I use the KISS principle with Softphones.

Create a hunt group that rings both phones; both phones have immediate forward path to the hunt group; hunt group recalls to voice mail. Both phones have the same user name and calling party number.

Publish just the desk phone extension. Incoming calls ring both phones; outgoing calls show same user name or Caller ID. User doesn't have to do anything, his calls just find him. Set up email notification on his mailbox, so he can get his voice mails at home.

Love it. I did think of something involving a Huntgroup, or even mobile twinning. This is great! Appreciated.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Hotdesk into Softphone extension?
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:27:55 PM »
Is there a way to add this feature?

We have a remote employee who currently has a hard phone in the office extension x1506. We created a softphone for him at x1706 but does not allow hot desking.

the goal is:

When he is at home, he softphone's into the system and can place/recieve calls using his computer microphone/speakers

When he is in the office, he wants to hot desk in with the physical hard the same extension.

We are trying to avoid giving him dual extensions. He will need to send out the new extension to all his contacts. The other thing we thought is maybe have mobile twinning setup to both. Clients will still call him on x1506 as per normal but both locations would ring.

I guess we could do that, but if theres a way to hotdesk into a soft extension it would be much better.


(acejavelin I am waiting  :) )

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Disable CALLER ID?
« on: April 10, 2013, 01:27:46 PM »
I don't believe this is possible if the Caller ID is making it into the system from the telco, and with a PRI (assumption since you said it was a DID number) you really can't have them turn it off, it is part of the ISDN signalling format.

So you have two options as I see it:

1) Loop a few single line ports back to LS trunk ports, put the stations and trunks in the appropriate groups, point the DID to the Hunt Group, then ring the trunk group to the original DID's destination. You can turn off Caller ID on the LS trunks easily and they will see the Trunk Group name instead.

2) Get a new block of analog CO trunks, connect to the system, and either move the DID to a copper line or call forward it via a phantom to the new CO trunks hunt pilot number.

Actually, we just figured out about the 2nd part of option 2.

Pressing 2 forwards to a phantom, which forwards all calls to our 2nd DID labelled French as the description which is forwarded to the same Hunt Group as #1.

Yo u da man Ace!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Disable CALLER ID?
« on: April 10, 2013, 01:19:44 PM »
I don't believe this is possible if the Caller ID is making it into the system from the telco, and with a PRI (assumption since you said it was a DID number) you really can't have them turn it off, it is part of the ISDN signalling format.

So you have two options as I see it:

1) Loop a few single line ports back to LS trunk ports, put the stations and trunks in the appropriate groups, point the DID to the Hunt Group, then ring the trunk group to the original DID's destination. You can turn off Caller ID on the LS trunks easily and they will see the Trunk Group name instead.

2) Get a new block of analog CO trunks, connect to the system, and either move the DID to a copper line or call forward it via a phantom to the new CO trunks hunt pilot number.

I really like option number 1. Would also solve another problem we are having.

I am going to check this out. Thanks Ace

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Caller ID woes...
« on: April 10, 2013, 01:13:54 PM »
When calls outside calls come in from people with cell phones, the ID is usually "UNKNOWN" for the first line, and the second line will display the phone number, ie 555-123-4567

The problem is, the number of the caller is not visible until the call is picked up.

Instead, it looks like this...

TFR from EXT2530

When the line is answered it looks like


Sure would be nice to see the phone number BEFORE the call is answered.  Kind of defeats the purpose of Caller ID :)

TFR from EXT2530, 2530 is the hunt group that the call is ringing on.

Let me know what you guys are doing to get around this,

I figured out an ugly work around. I don't know if this will help you, but this is how we have one central phone number for our clients, and with autoconnect our agents are to see french/english/bilingual based on the clients selection in the IVR.

So after answering the phone, the display is replaced by whatever description is set on Call Routing Tables for the DID they called.
\System\Trunk related info\Call Routing Tables\1

Check out my attached photo. Start at 333-333-3333 and follow the flow. You might understand how it's working. In a nutshell, for french, they get transferred to a hot desk extension, which is forwarded all calls to our 2ND DID(Which is labelled french) which instantly sends you to the hunt group along with the "French" label. 

Youre going to require some DIDs.
I hope this gets fixed. This work around is very silly. But it works.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Disable CALLER ID?
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:41:57 AM »
We are a confidential serivce, our agents are not even allowed to hear the names of the clients that are calling in, nothing. They shouldn't even know if they are male/female, but the voice is a give away I guess.

How do I completely disable caller ID? I see tons of options in the PBX to propogate caller ID or not. Caller ID/Name is still sent all the way through.

Here is an examply of the call flow

DID# -> Routing Announcement 1730(Press 1 for english, 2 french) - > Press 1 -> Routing Announcencement 1731 -> Greeting and Timeout to Huntgroup 1715

In every hop I have set propogate caller ID to no. I don't really understand how it could be any more difficult than this.

Can we disable caller ID? Playing with some flags we were able to get it to say the DESCRIPTION of the DID across the TOP. But for Call Key 1, it is replaced by their phone number and you can't remove default keys. Lovin this pbx!

If we could have it say something else..Even a generic number (0000000000) instead of a real phone number would help. We just can't have caller ID and seems this Mitel 5000 will not listen. Maybe I need to go and give it a back rub?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Caller ID woes...
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:26:39 AM »
In reply to Supermike, instead of routing from the Accounting CRA straight to a HG, route the French calls to a CRA called Acc FR which then routes to the HG. Route the English calls to a CRA called Acc ENG which then routes to your HG.

Et voila! Call should display transferred from Acc FRA when the caller has chosen French and so on.

This is exactly, EXACTLY what we're doing. And when I say exactly, I mean exactly.

It works just like you said, and has been working that way for a while. The problem is when the phone is Answered!

The millisecond the phone is answered, "CRA French transfer from MAIN" gets changed to ONLY "MAIN". Answering the phone causes the display to change. We have autoconnect, which means our agents instantly answer everytime, which means all they will see is "MAIN"

I wish we could get it to say "CRA French transfer from MAIN" for the ENTIRE duration of the call. Not just while it's ringing..Because we do not have any ring time here. Autoconnect.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Caller ID woes...
« on: April 05, 2013, 04:24:55 PM »
Now you can toggle (or set system-wide) NUMBER preference via feature code on a phone by phone basis or turn off name delivery entirely off as well, but you will not get Name and Number at the same time in your current configuration.

Is there a way to keep it displaying the name of the Extension it was transferred from? So when autoconnected, the agent can look at the display, see it's coming from french/english and Answer the phone accordingly? It's pretty pointless to have the IVR ask for french or english input, if the agent's have no way of knowing which queue it came from and have to answer bilingual anyways..

What feautre code are you talking about CO Party Name? (379)?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Caller ID woes...
« on: April 05, 2013, 04:20:31 PM »
I agree this is super annoying.

For the biggest reason, Autoconnect.

Without autoconnect it will say English is being Transferred from Accounting (They choose 1 for english 2 for french)..But when the phone is answered it only says "Accounting".

My mind is once again blown by mitel.

So with autoconnect, our agents will never know if the call came from English, or French because the call is answered immediately and the display changes to just Accounting.

I am in the same boat, I agree I think this is ridiculous.

Woot :D Glad it worked

I am going to try SSHing into the PBX. Sticking the USB drive in, mounting the NFS Share to the USB Drive (U:\) in SSH and try again.

I was putting the USB drive local in my PC and trying to write the data to it. Needs to be in the CP5000.

My mistake. I will update as I go.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Scheduled Backups to a NON USB Drive?
« on: April 03, 2013, 10:04:24 AM »
It does have the option of NFS Share, but using the Processing Server UVM. Which we don't have.

Has anyone managed to trick this 5000 into saving voice processor data to a non usb drive?

I have tried:

saving to my C:\ Drive, invalid folder for Voice Processor Data
Putting a USB in, and creating a folder within the USB that's mounted to an NFS Share (I really thought I had it here.) Invalid folder
Putting a USB in, creating a shortcut to an NFS Share (How the hell does it even know?!) Invalid Folder

We don't want to be writing to a USB drive. We want this sent to your network drive, which will be backed up to our other offices.

Any ideas, virtual USB drivers, any tricks that can be thought of that would let us save voice processor data to a NON usb device?

EDIT: Was putting the USB in my local PC and trying to save the VP Data there. Going to stick the USB in the PBX, mount the NFS Share in the USB via SSH to a folder, and see how that goes. I have a feeling it will work.

I think i know the answer to this one

Open DB Programming

Go to Users/Your user/Associated Destinations

You will probably see under your user account that his extension is listed in there under associated destinations. You should only have Desk with your Ext. and Voicemail with your Voicemail extention number (NOT your endpoint extension..but the voicemail extension you would call to leave a message anywhere, 1800 maybe?)

And do the same thing in his account, remove yours.

To clear any notifications such as the blinking voicemail light,

Press the MESSAGE KEY then press STAR it will clear the notifications.

Do I need something called an MCD? To create these users?

Or will this 10 day UCX softphone trial get my connected and get this working?

Tried everything you said. No dice.

Discovered how to create softphone profiles..Still no luck.

System\Dev Feature Codes\Phones\Local

Right Click -> Create UC Advanced Softphone > EXT 1051 and Enable Hot Desk, Create a User.

Set a Passcode 123456 in 1051's New Extension.

Still bad password. Any other ideas?

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