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Messages - worcs

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Simply blank use the 'Use proxy' setting in the SIP peer profile for SIPGATE.
That will teach me for following the SIP trunk providers guide/settings!

Thanks X-man for your time. I'm sure its frustrating helping a relative novice!

If anyone would like to know how to set up Sipgate please get in touch.
The ports are:
SIP PEER transport &port:                  UDP 5060
External SIP proxy FQDN:         
External SIP proxy transport &port:   UDP 5060
SIP registrar transport:            
SIP registrar transport&port:             UDP 5004
Please note the last port Number!

Tried setting a speedial and with toll override - no luck. All COR are now blank just to try it. I still get Access Denied.
Will I get the same Acess Denied message if the VOIP provider is blocking/ refusing the outgoing call. Incoming calls now work fine.
Maint log info:
Log Number:    4405
Severity:          Warning
Date:                2012/Dec/15
Time:               12:30:47
Source:            SIP_SSM_APP
Description:    Authentication failure - 403 received Recent failure count 1 in last 0 seconds Total failure count 4 Type of call : Outgoing Route 1 Link Sipgate From To Sipgate 
Module:           Main
File Name and Line Number:    Maintenance;0

Checked the COS, 'Public Network Access via DPNSS' is allowed on all COS entries.
Just double checked everything again. Still cant see anything wrong. Any hints before I delete the SIP trunks, routes etc and start again.  :-[

Thanks for your help.
Apparently you cannot use SIP trunks over the WAN port.  >:( So I moved the PC LAN connection to port 17 (gigabit port). Which seems pretty senseless to me. Isn't that what a WAN port is for- to gain access to the internet. Would have been nice to have that info in the configuration screen or something. Anyway..
I have the incoming calls working now.  ;D. Just cannot dial out. The phones show 'Access Denied' after dialling last digit. Still cant resolve that one yet. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to post  :P

Thanks for the feedback,
I have setup the WAN gateway and it is being assigned an address by the PC LAN router, as i can see it from the WAN configuration form.
I have also set up the sipgate trunk and proxy as network elements, then SIP peer settings. Still no joy. Critical error showing Trunk not registered is still there.
I alsi have no internet access from the 3300 internal switch when i plug a PC in. So i assume it's related.

Dear all,
Has anyone had any luck configuring a Voip provider (Sipgate trunk) on this system. I have tried the Technician guide V7.0, other guides and all permutations I can think of, and it never registers correctly. Also no internet access from any PC connected to the switch ports, port17 or otherwise. I assume they will be related.
V9 software
all 5020 IP phones connected to ports 10, 11,12,15,16 (they work internally fine).
DHCP enabled. 192.168.1 range, Gateway
WAN port connected to my PC LAN, with the PC LAN ADSL router DHCP enabled. Different subnet setting to Mitel unit.

I would like to keep the PC LAN and the Mitel LAN seperate if possible. Just pick up an internet connection for the Mitel unit for the 2 SIP trunks.
Is this a correct connection setup here?.

Any guide documents or pointers/summary setup appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:43:55 AM »
Thanks everyone for all for your help.
I purchased the 3300 from our customer in the end as it was the quickest / easiest option. :)

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:18:14 AM »
RS232 port now working, thanks. My fault, got the leads mixed up with a NULL modem lead - Labels needed I think :P

Acejavelin - took your advice and I've managed to get the 3300 Cxi on a 'try before you buy' basis, but no one knows the password as usual. SWrevs shows version:
-> swrevs
Software version:
System relink: No relink has been applied.
Call Control relink:
value = 14 = 0xe

Anyone know how to reset the password? Ive read most of the threads I can find and none of them seem to work. (except the delete usrprfle.db file, not sure about this route as technically its still owned by the customer).

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:43:28 PM »
 :) Thanks very much, i have downloaded it and I'll try it and let you know how I get on. I seem to be having issues with the maintenance terminal connection using hyperterminal and win7 at the moment as there is no response.
Have you details of the RS232 lead wiring by any chance, the tech handbook doesn't really detail the wiring as such. I want to check i have made it correctly.
A customer has a 3300 cxi sitting on a shelf, i'll make an offer as it may be an easier solution.  ;).

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:34:31 PM »
thats great thanks very much. i have just PM'd you. ;D

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:07:23 PM »
I also have a failed HDD, the firmware 'Golden' image does not appear to be on the flash card. Just the folder/filename, but this seems to have no file size, so i assume it has been corrupted or something. Its currently down. Has anyone got a copy of the firmware for the flash card, or a HDD image i could have? As miro212 said, the cost of the firmware is too prohibitive for this old unit, but we are a very small company I need it up and running to limp along till next years budget.
thanks all.

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