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Messages - Drew

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: Desktop UC client connection issues
« on: June 21, 2016, 06:05:38 AM »
Can anyone confirm if the update doesn't effect version 7?
We have version 5.1 UCA and its done the same thing.
I've spoken with BT and they've informed me version 7 is available.  I'd rather not have to disable windows updates (will have to for now) but would be good to get confirmation version 7 is unaffected

Mitel Software Applications / UCA Server Accounts / PRG
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:14:23 AM »
Hi Guys,

We have a Mitel 3300 and UCA Server.

We use PRGs on the 3300... I've noticed in the Account Configuration on the UCA server that there is a column for PRG and within the account settings the Deskphone field title gets says (PRG) whenever this is enabled.

At the minute we're adding all the UCA accounts manually.  It seems that the ones enabled for PRG have picked this field up when a sync was done from the PBX.

If I want to add a new account there doesnt seem to be a way to enable the PRG without doing a sync.

Anyone know how the PRG could be enabled manually in the UCA Server config as it's not really desirable to do a full sync as there are contacts that would be pulled in that are not needed.

Thanks in advance.

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