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Messages - mitelrocks

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Just as a follow up, Mitel confirmed there is no vxworks command to turn on the Layer 2 switch ports. However, Mitel says this issue was fixed in versions > as you cannot turn off port 1.   Even though it looks like you can (it should be greyed out). 

Great question - and yes we did connect the 2nd ethernet port, and nothing.  It seems like it should have worked, given that there are two ports and two options (under L2 ports to disable).  I had the tech contact Mitel and (of course) part of their system was down so they were not able to open a ticket, and they were supposed to call us back.  I did open a TechCentral ticket tho.  We were a bit pressed for time, so I made the call to re-install MCD and restore the system. It took about 15 minutes for the install/restore and all is well again.  I am really curious to try the 2nd ethernet port again (somehow!). Looking back perhaps we missed something.  I'll post whatever we get back from Mitel.

results of bootChange:

Boot device :        ata=0
processor number:                   0
host name:
file name:       /partition4/RTC8260
inet on ethernet (e):
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h):
gateway inet (g):          
user (u):                       IUSR
ftp password:
flags (f):                        0x0
target name (tn):
startup script:
other:          qefcc

Which matches what it should be. MCD should be at .20

FYI -  Had the tech show me on other MCD what exactly he did. It's shockingly easy to do.  Go to
LAN/WAN configuration. Click on Layer 2 Switch. In the right side bottom window will be a split area, which is labled "L2 ports". There are two listed of course for your 2 10/100 ports.  Click on button "change member" which will open a new window and have Port 1 selected. There are different options listed such as "State" (enabled/disabled) "speed" (auto) "duplex mode" (auto), "flow control" (auto), and the most important one "voice vlan" (untagged/tagged/no).  Instead of changing tagged to untagged, he clicked on "disabled" option for State. 

Thanks for the replies!

A ping to itself shows no replies (from vxworks command prompt), after system boots.   Planning to re-install....

Little more detail -  we are consoled into the MCD controller.   On a Windows box, I setup a constant "ping" going to the MCD controller (but no ping replies back).   OK,  so we turned off the MCD.  After you turn on the MCD, you see the memory check and system check, then Vxworks starts (press space bar, 7,6,5, etc)  as soon as Vxworks starts up the pings work for about 4 seconds and then they stop, and they never start up again.  At the point that the pings stop we see in the console window the status that the L2 switch was disabled.   Will reach out to Mitel...

No, from a Windows box here, we cannot ping the controller IP. 

We tried the 'vlan_off'  /  'vlan_on' commands - and vxworks does confim the command, but it does not 'enable' or 'disable' the L2 switch port.   We issued the command 'vlan_off'  and then rebooted the MCD box - no effect. 

Hi everyone -

Tech here accidentally disabled the L2 switch port instead of disabling VLAN tagging.  As soon as this was done, all IP connectivity to the MCD controller was lost (of course!).  We have no earthly idea how to turn back on the L2 switch port - this has to be done in Vxworks somehow. We have rebooted the box and noticed that during vxworks booting, we noticed that there is a warning message that the L2 switch port is turned off (constant pings to the MCD controller confirm this).   Does anyone know of a vxworks command to turn back on the L2 switch port.  We noticed there is a command called "ifShow", and it lists motfcc as one of the network interface cards..but that's it.   We have a recent backup of the database,  and we are prepared to re-install MCD software if we have to.  Just doesn't seem right that the MCD software allows you to easily disable the port without being able to re-enable it quickly.   Box is a MXe III running MCD 5.0.

Thanks for the info about the speakers and LLDP.  Its too late to change speakers, as they are already installed!   Anyways - I figured it out.  After much internet crawling, I stumbled upon some posts that indicated that the 5485 needed an EXTERNAL DHCP server to get it literally jumpstarted. After the external DHCP server assigned it an IP address you can move it over to your Mitel IP network.   I tried this using OpenDHCP server. I have options 1,3,6,128-131  and...and..VOILA!  IP address was assigned to the 5485. I then moved the cable over to the phone IP network and the Mitel MXE immediately saw it.  If you do a STAT [PLID] the 5485 shows up as as 5010 IP and "in service"!   I was then able to make page calls -- very cool.   I turned the 5485 off and back on, making sure it got an IP from the Mitel Box, and it did this time!  So over the weekend I kept it up and running, and kept options 125, as well as 128-131 in the DHCP options on the Mitel.  I am not sure why the 5485 behaves this way for the 1st time out of the box.  I wonder if Mitel can explain this or answer if they ever tested the device in the 3300 environment.  In short, it works - so the client will be happy.   

Hey everyone.  Good news and bad news.  Good news is that the client decided to go ahead with overhead paging in the cafeteria/vending area.  Bad news is that is doesn't work!  I bought a set of nice speakers, a cool Bosch amp and got it all wired and ready to go. Went ahead and connect my IP 5485 to the local Ethernet switch, got it plugged into a 24V outlet, got my Amphenol cable connected and wired back to the Bosh amp and... and ....nothing.  Nada.   The Mitel 3300 doesn't see the 5485.   If you do a "STAT" command for the plid where the 5485 should be at (based on a LOCATE EXTENSION command), the MXE shows the device not in service.  I already did some Internet searching around and seems there is some problems with getting the 5485's talking.   Under User&Device Config, I gave a DN and MAC address to the 5485, and assigned it to be type IP 5010.    The box just sits there blinking at me, and I never see it get a DHCP IP address from the 3300.  I wiresharked the darn thing and it is just stuck in a loop asking for options 1, 3, 6, 44(I think) and 128-131.   Under DHCP I added in options 128-131 and still the 5485 doesn't get and IP address.    I kept DHCP option 125 in for the rest of the Mitel phones that we have.    Very embarrassing in front of the client as this all looked like it was easy to setup - and it an't.   Why in the world is the darn 5485 not working?   I thought this was a easy setup, and right now its not.  I am not all that happy with Mitel now, and the documentation that came with the 5485 was practically non existent.   Luckily I have the weekend to try to figure this out, but any help would be appreciated!   Client has 3300 MXEII running MCD 4.1.   

Well, the secretary is not happy with this so far.  At the root AA (when a client dials in a AA answers), if they press no buttons the AA will forward the call to the secretary (operator).  There are  alot of calls that she has had to answer. I found that I can remove the secretary / operator from the MLAA structure.  When this happens, after the greeting is played, the system will then say that "no one is available to take your call" and then dumps the user into the default VM box "0". The person can leave a message or not.  If the person does nothing (still) the system automatically disconnects the call, but this takes a good 2 minutes it seems like. Of course this means that this VM box is going to start to fill up.  I don't want the secretary to have to log into the VM box 0 and have to manually delete these messages.    I suppose the client here can opt to purchase the ACD package as I sugguested, but they just want to keep the simple MLAA in place for now.    Anyone have any ideas how to not allow the AA to dump the person into the VM box 0  and just disconnect the user instead?

Hi everyone,
I setup for the client here  a simple MLAA structure using embedded VM.  The MLAA has 1 sub menu from MLAA structure ("press 1 for security dept."...etc.."press 7 for more options".)   So option 7 (VM box) is a setup as a "menu node".   All of the options work just fine.   The client wants the option if the person does not press any numbers on the phone, that the MLAA instead of redirecting the call to the secretary here, the call is automatically disconnected.   I found in the documentation of how to change the menu node time out option (you have to log into VM as admin and press [2], then [2] and # till you get to the menu node timeout option.  I was able to set this option for the VM box 7 (menu node), and it works OK.   If the person calls in, then presses option 7 and then hears the rest of the options and does nothing, the system will repeat the prompt 3 times and then the call is disconnected - super.    OK, the problem I am having is at the root menu node, the actual MLAA.  If the person calls in and just does nothing the call is transfered to the secretary.  I cannot find any way of having the system disconnect the call if the user does not press any digits from the root menu node.   Any hints?   System is 3300 MXe III running MCD 4.2.   Thanks...

Thanks Ralph!   Client is using embedded not NuPoint.   Will stop looking!

Thanks for the quick reply!  I logged into one of the client systems today and went line by line through the COS for their IP sets.  Found nothing that came close.  I even looked through the system options and didn't find anything.   Will keep looking...

Hi!   I was asked an interesting question from another client about the voicemail global distribution list "000", which is well everyone (all phones).  There are global lists 1-49 that an admin can edit/delete but there is another one that is built-in which is number 000.   My client is has 2  3300 MXe III  with MCD 4.2.   Is there any way to restrict access to the global distribution list?  More to the point, is there a way to at least restrict access to the "000" global distribution list?   I was surprised to find that anyone can log into the VM system push 6 and then dial 000 and be able to send a global VM to all phones!   Client here would love to be able to at least restrict access to the 000 list!  The other global lists the local admin can edit/add himself.    Thanks!

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