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Messages - tskwared

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: Custom MN6510 Voice Menu problem
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:36:14 AM »
Mattmayn - great question, that I failed to clarify previously: the call is falling back to the 6510 voicemail box.... which is odd, given that I've configured it as a Greeting Only mb.

Ralph - that setup won't work because the blind xfer actually hands-off the call to the xfer-to number.... my desire is for call control to stay within the Greeting Only mb so that if Phone A does not answer, then an attempt to Phone B will be initiated. In a twisted way, it is sort of like a sequential Ring Group.... I was just trying to accomplish it with the 6510.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Custom MN6510 Voice Menu problem
« on: June 27, 2012, 11:03:06 AM »
Ralph - I did as you said, but no change in behavior.... call is still routed to voicemail after phone A does not answer.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Custom MN6510 Voice Menu problem
« on: June 27, 2012, 08:56:59 AM »
That would make sense if phone A was internal: however, it is an external number....sorry, I forgot to clarify that both phone A and B are external numbers.

Mitel Software Applications / Custom MN6510 Voice Menu problem
« on: June 26, 2012, 06:26:06 PM »
I'm creating my first custom Voice Menu on the MN6510 platform as a very simple test.

Desired behaviour is:
a. Press 1 to reach on duty phone (action = Send to Phone Number A)
b. If no answer, the Default action is set to "Send to Phone Number B"
c. If no answer, simply disconnect

Current setup is:
a. Greeting Only mailbox
b. DTMF key 1 = Send to Phone Number A
c. DTMF key Default = Send to Phone Number B

Current behaviour is:
a. Press 1, and the on duty phone is called
b. For this test, the on duty phone does not answer
c. Call is routed to voicemail! (not sure how this happens with a Greeting Only mailbox, but was expecting it to route to Phone Number B)

Any ideas?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Ring Group member will not ring
« on: June 26, 2012, 02:01:15 PM »
Ralph - u r a genius.... the ext had "make busy" feature enabled... not sure how, but after I removed it rings now :)

Many thanks.............T


Created basic Ring Group 13851 with cascade ring.
Added a single member 13103 to the RG.
Dial member 13103 directly from an internal extn and it rings fine.
Dial ring group 13851 from an internal extn and the member 13103 will NOT ring.

Its been a long time since I've setup a RG and I'm sure I'm overlooking something somewhere... any ideas?

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