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Messages - jvazquez

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Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: SMDR data missing
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:59:52 AM »
You are correct, the VTLogger is used to record our calls so that supervisors and managers can later use this information for quality and training purposes. This box came with its own software that was not very useful to us and so we had to get something custom developed.  I am finally starting to get at least a general understanding of what is going on - thanks in no small part to the help you have so kindly provided here. 

I think the problem may be that - like bluewhite4 suggests - that the PF box is set to collect data on an 8x5 schedule.  This is probably because the office itself is closed on weekends. The call center is operational on Saturdays, however.  So what I am guessing now is that the 'collector service' is bound to the business hours specified for the organization instead of being bound to the business hours of the call center itself, if that makes sense.

If it helps, the data in the files typically looks something like this
We call it SMDR data because that is what we were told it was.

I will gather the information bluewhite4 has asked for from the HELP/ABOUT section of the PF system and will report back on Tuesday.

Thank you ralph and bluewhite4 for sharing your knowledge and expertise in this matter - it has made a tremendous difference thus far.   :D

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: SMDR data missing
« on: May 18, 2012, 04:06:39 PM »
Please forgive my ignorance, I am trying to provide the best information for you to be able to help me.  I am limited in my understanding of this Mitel box, and the lack of documentation for me to refer to makes it all that much harder.

The server that gets the SMDR data is a generic PC running Ubuntu and some application called VTLogger.  The VTLogger application has been heavily customized for our purposes.   This server has a VoiceTronix board installed with a couple of T1 interfaces.  I believe that the board is some sort of a Sangoma WanPipe variant.  On one of the T1 interfaces, there is a cable that is split from the line that feeds into the Mitel.  The VTLogger box also has a connection to the network, and the usual connections to a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and power are all there as well.  The VTLogger box does not 'pull' the SMDR data, that much I know for sure.  The SMDR data is delivered to it via FTP shortly before midnight every night.  I simply assumed that these text files were being put there by the MItel box, but you seem to think otherwise and I trust you know what you are talking about. 

There is another piece to this puzzle that is called Prairie Fyre.  We are not certain if this is relevant.

Normally, the text files that contain all of the SMDR data are FTPd to the VTLogger shortly before midnight.  At exactly midnight, a process runs on the VTLogger that imports all of the SMDR data to a MySQL table and then moves the text file to a different directory in case it is ever needed again.  This database import process fails when it tries to process the files that are generated for Saturday and Sunday because the files don't contain any SMDR data and instead look very much like the image what is shown on the image I linked to in my original post above.  We just want to figure out why the SMDR is not being captured and it is a bit of a challenge with our limited knowledge of the system.

We do use queues and I think that is what our agents 'plug into' - I am not sure if they are ACD agents.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / SMDR data missing
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:14:09 PM »
We have a custom solution in place to record and review calls that come in to our call center. While this solution has worked for the most part, there is one aspect of it that has never worked properly.  We have given up on the developer, we can't even get him to call us back anymore.   So we are on our own trying to figure what the problem is.  Basically, we just need to figure out why SMDR data is not available for Saturdays and Sundays. 

The Mitel uploads a text file to our FTP server on a nightly basis.  It works every weekday, but on Saturdays and Sundays the contents of the file look like this:  I am hoping someone here can help me by telling me what it is I need to change in order for weekend calls to be logged.  Thanks in advance.

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