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Messages - ritztech

Pages: [1]
so if another sip service dials is that possible  from would be

is there a whitelist kind of thing or  sip peer profile  for this to work not so much anonymous but say if another sip to sip

or does this have to  be done via a sipTrunk


is there any import API scripts via POST method that can be done

this is the closest ive gotten

Code: [Select]
--data-urlencode 'ActionArgs=0=1144|1=2222|2=0|3=1|4=|'
--data-urlencode 'ApplicationID=GenericForms'
--data-urlencode 'FunctionID=FI_Read'
--data-urlencode 'FunctionArgs=System+Speed+Call+Assignment~GDM'
--data-urlencode 'ActionID=Action_ID_Change_Update'

SIP On Mitel / SIP push notification on INVITE call
« on: September 22, 2020, 10:26:06 PM »
does mitel have a way to send a Push notification on INVITE call.

or if sending to outbound proxy and proxy sends a response after a device is woken up and  Register is now online. late forking so the call can go through.

ohh reading further  so i cant do this directly i would have to get a OIG in  front  of it (i see  OIG is postgres  sql) so is the  real magic SDS... i was hoping i can pull from the miVB directly since we have 100s in the field for various customers.

i doubt snmpsets methods are in place lol.

ohhh thats cool

is  there a fee/lic do this method

could that be a csv from an automated script.. like api/import

Code: [Select]
--data-urlencode 'ActionArgs=0=1144|1=2222|2=0|3=1|4=|'
--data-urlencode 'ApplicationID=GenericForms'
--data-urlencode 'FunctionID=FI_Read'
--data-urlencode 'FunctionArgs=System+Speed+Call+Assignment~GDM'
--data-urlencode 'ActionID=Action_ID_Change_Update'

trying to decipher how the berkley DB files i dont even  know if i  can do Insert/update from Command line

i have a part of a new customer  check-in process temp do x / rinse repeat  maybe 100 times a  day to automate.

id hate to go in and puppeteer /selenium this. cause  we want to do this realtime.

i wanted  to see if  theres  a  way to edit  say system speed calls by not using the GUI option due to we want  to dynamically change  things based on other system integrations.

method 1. i thought  maybe  use a http Post method  (testing via postman) and  then blended  into   a  nodejs or script based on another app  on premise.

method 2.  look at berkley DB update/insert method.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Any dealers in Vegas
« on: September 08, 2020, 04:39:16 PM »

still no luck going to call tech sort to see what they say

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

So i used HTML toolkit packager to build the screensaver spx file DONE
Then i used the Html toolkit uploader to send to the 3300 DONE (sucessful)
then issued htmlappupgrade (Successful)
I can view the files (when i push display file list)

But when im in the set config under user and device config ... i go to the tab phone applications.

Then i see screen saver application (only 1 shows there its like it doesnt see my new file)

ive tried using the default mitel screensaver to avoid any pics that werent the right size and that didnt work.... looking through docs i cant find much :(....


Pages: [1]