« on: January 29, 2015, 11:14:03 AM »
Hi All,
Looking for some help with a new issue I've run across. Mitel 3300, running OS load 7.1, SP1.
I have configured an IP set (ext. 6001) and configured an EHDU that points to my cell phone (ext. 6101). I have created a PRG and added both extensions and I have confirmed that both are listed as present (as opposed to absent in the PRG form).
This system is configured with 6 ONS trunks.
When a call is placed to PRG 6001 (either internally or externally) the call is presented to ext. 6001 where it rings only once, then stops and after a period of dead air (heard by the caller) the EHDU ext. 6101 starts to ring. If the cell phone twinned to 6101 answers the call that call can then be handed off back to ext. 6001 (see below for more on handoff).
In my experience with twinning/ehdu when a personal ring group is called both extensions should ring simultaneously until either a) the call is answered or b) the call rerouting no-answer is activated. I've only ever setup EHDU for twinning on PRI deployments never with analog trunks.
I am aware (from the Mitel help file) that EHDU/twinning has some reduced functionality when used in an analog trunk environment. Namely you cannot complete a "supervised handoff". However the entire experience seems to be off - shouldn't both extensions in the PRG ring simultaneously?
Thoughts, suggestions, questions? thanks.