« on: December 21, 2016, 06:19:31 PM »
Hi All,
This is my first post so please bare with me.
I have been working with a customer of ours and we are having issues with DHCP. It appears they are having issues with their BlueCat DHCP server. This is a centralised DHCPserver for them. The only way I have been able to get DHCP working is to advise them to include the old options 128-133 as firstly they cannot use Option 125 because it simply won't work and option 43 is already in use by Cisco CCM. I have checked the string they are using and it appears fine:
I have upgraded their system tonight and the phones just got stuck on 'Contacting Server'. To prove that DHCP was the issue, I have statically assigned phones to get them back in service. The phones are a mix of 5312/5330/5304.
I have no experience with BlueCat DHCP servers so I am basing all the advice I am giving their IT on Windows. Anyone any experience with BlueCat?
Any help would be great.