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Messages - TheFreak

Pages: [1]
Hello All,

We have a Mitelcluster running om MIVB 8.0 SP3 with 11 primary MICD nodes and we need to migrate all users, groups and IP phones to new VMCD nodes. The VMCD nodes are already in the same cluster as the MICD nodes and we already migrated 800 users from two MICD nodes to one SVMCD node. Now we still need to migrate around 15000 users and devices from the 9 MICD nodes left to 4 new SVMCD nodes.

Globally we worked out the following steps to perform the migration:

1) For each MICD node: Make an importsheet csv with the users we want to migrate
2) Delete all users one-by one by deleting the user and the phone on the MICD node
3) Importing the deleted users on the new VMCD node with the csv importsheet


- Is there any way to make this migration more easy in general? Deleting and importing all users is a big pain in the ass. Do you have any tips?
- Is it possible to delete users in bulk instead of one by one?
- Is it possible on any way to move users from one node to another without deleting and adding them again?
- Is it possible to extract the database and import it in the VMCD?
- Is it possible to look into the node database without the GUI?

I hope there are some ways to make this migration less effortfull. Thanks in advanced!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Lamp during speedcall
« on: August 03, 2011, 07:17:35 AM »

I hope someone can help me. I think it's not so difficult to make this but i can't figure out how to do it.

I have a 5340 IP phone with a programmed "user speedcall" key.As button directory number is programmed **21110222. This speedcall itself work fine. 

My question is. Is it possible to enable the little light led next to that key if they key is pressed?

Also i'm curious if it is possible to disable that light when the ##21 key is pressed.

I hope someone can help. Thanks in advanced!

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