« on: July 12, 2011, 07:58:22 AM »
We are having a few problems with our Nupoint Server, we are getting 3 issues one is that users are dialling into their mailbox and getting mailbox allready in use, even tho it isnt, the other problem is MWI flashing when there are no messages and no matter what I do I cant turn it off, have tried the superset callback message cancel time to blank but this only stops it once it doesnt stop the problem reoccuring. We are also getting Messages arrive in mailbox a long time after they were left.
I have Done the following to record some logs so I have so info however where is the log file stored? I have done the below and ran the event recorder.
Can anyone help?
To turn on the Event Recorder:
1. Modify the affected user's FCOS and add feature bit 254 - mailbox trace. (For instructions
to modify an FCOS, see the Modify a Default FCOS topic in the NuPoint System Administration
online help.)
2. In the Main Menu, select (S) - System Maintenance
3. In the System Maintenance menu, select (V) Event Recorder
4. Select (C) Configure Event Recorder. You will be presented with a list of available Message
5. Enter 1, 3, 5, 8, 9
6. Select (F) File Output Name.
7. Enter a name for the file to send the trace information to. No extension is needed.
8. Select (X) Exit
9. Select (R) Run Event Recorder
10. When an event has been captured, contact Technical Support and provide the file name.