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Messages - MarkB64

Pages: [1]
Slight update to the original post.
The actual call scenario was as follows;

User A forwards to Hunt Group 1, Hunt Group 1 overflows to User B, User B forwards to voicemail.

With older versions of Connect, callers to User A would eventually end up in Users A's mailbox
With Connect R19.3SP3, callers to User A would eventually end up in User B's mailbox

In the above call scenario User A and B could also be Workgroup A and B.
The issue arises because calls are routing through a Hunt Group.

Good news -
There is a fix to restore call flow behaviour to pre R19.3SP3 behaviour

On HQ Server
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Shoreline Teleworks\Telephony Management Server\Settings

Under that key, double-click the string value SwitchDebug to edit.

Remove the existing period from the end, add a space
Add the setting hunt_pickup 0
Add a closing period at the end to indicate the new end-of-string

A common configuration setting might appear as follows:
debug_options onhook_dialing_for_IP110 1 hunt_pickup 0.

Registry edit is automatically replicated to all DVS's and Voice switches. No reboot is required. Change takes effect immediately.


Recently upgraded MiVoice Connect from R19.1SP2 to R19.3SP3 (22.25.5800.0) and the behaviour of voicemail changed with following scenario.

Caller rings User A, User A calls are forwarded to User B, User B calls are forwarded to Voicemail, Caller ends up in User B mailbox. With previous versions of Connect the caller would have ended up in User A mailbox. We would like to revert back to the old behaviour.

I assume there is a Registry Key we can add or change to revert back to the old behaviour and hoping someone out there will know the settings to use.


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