« on: April 20, 2023, 04:04:07 PM »
I am new to the Mitel system. I have purchased some refurbished 6930 phones. We have an on premise Mitel Connect Director server. I have just learned that there are two different versions of the firmware. SIP and Minet? I believed this phone had Minet firmware. I pointed it to my on premise Mitel Connect Director server which I believe should be sending out SIP firmware using the TFTP. I did a few phones a few months ago and they worked fine. I am not sure if something has gone wrong or if the phone is bricked etc. I don't know a ton about this and would love a guide if it has been posted somewhere. Also if my phone is bricked I was wondering if there was a way to unbrick it? I have attached a picture of what my phone screen looks like. I hope this post makes sense if not please ask me questions and I can provide any information that is required. Thank you for your time.