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Messages - xdzhao

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Thanks. I will ask our products manager to contact MiTel.

Thank you everybody!
We have a product for call recording. We monitor the signal packets and find out the info if there is a call come in/out. Then notify our customer start/stop recording. So the raw signal packets are every important for us. Our product can support many PBXs. For the MiTel3300 the signal packets are encrypted. We can’t support it. When MiTel5000 comes out, we tested and found that MiTel5000 signal packets are not encrypted. (Software version: Rel. 5.0 SP2) We made our products support it. Now we saw some of the MiTel5000 users have the encrypted signal packets. The RTP packets looks like not encrypted.
Can someone help us to change the MiTel5000PBX settings to disable the encryption feature on the PBX. Thank you very much!

We have a MiTel 5000 IP PBX, Software version: Rel. 5.0 SP2. It work whit 5340 IP phone. I checked the signal packets are not encrypted. However one of our customer sent me a pcap file that shows the signal packets are encrypted. This customer also use the MiTel 500 IP PBX with 5340 IP phone. Is there any way to disable the encryption? Thank you very much!


Would you tell me how to get Mitai data? Use CTI? or get it from the IP packets? Thanks.

We design some products to make the call recording system. I can figure out the useful info for call recording system of Mitel protocol. However if the data is encrypted, I won

Thank you very much for reply. Since there is no way to disable it, I will try to find some other way to get the call control info. Thanks again.

According to Mitel documents, this encryption use 128 bit AES. They also said the voice use the same encryption rule. However I can only find a way to disable the encryption on voice. I don

I have captured some pcap files for Mitel. The voice is G711 no encryption. However the call control signal is encrypted. Not only the wireshark does not recognize this protocol. When the phone made the same action, I got totally different data every time. So I am looking a way to disable the encryption on call control signal. If you can help me please tell how to do. Thank you very much!

I have a problem on Mitel 3300 IP PBX. Could anyone tell me how to disable the encryption of call control signal on it? I searched on user guide I can only disable the encryption on voice. I think that even though voice encryption can be disabled, there should be a way to disable the encryption on call control signal, too. Thank you very much!

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