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Messages - pagthe09

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Mitel Call back requeues
« on: November 17, 2021, 10:26:57 AM »
I am sorry if this has been asked before, I did a quick search but didn't find the exact answers I am looking for.

Background:  I just moved into my current role managing our contact center about 2 months ago.  We use Mitel Ignite v9.3.1 and MiCollab v7.3 for our phone systems.  We currently do not have a resident Mitel expert in our IT/Telecom team.  Our phone system was installed a few years back and our previous Mitel expert has since left.  My predecessor picked up what he could by trial and error.   

We currently are having trouble getting an explanation for some of our callback reason codes.  We have the basic Mitel definitions, but we cannot get a clear explanation as to what would cause a callback to be statused as "Requeued-By and Agent" vs "Rejected by agent" Vs "agent did not answer". 

Any help would be great. 

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